Which of the following was not an Eastern European nation under Communist control?A. Poland
B. East Germany
C. Romania
D. Spain


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is Spain due to two factors:

1. The country is not even in Eastern Europe
2. The country was led by a fascist party by Francisco Franco until his death, and it didn't participate in the war at all, that is, it was neutral. The regime lasted until the '70s.

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Select all of the statements that are true of parenthetical citation.A) A parenthetical citation is very short and is contained within the text.
B) A parenthetical citation includes the author and the title of the work cited.
C) A parenthetical citation gives the author's last name and a page reference for the source material.
D) A parenthetical citation is always in parentheses.
E) Every source used for an assignment must be documented with a parenthetical citation.
F) Only direct quotations need to be documented with a parenthetical citation.
G) A comma is not needed between the author's last name and the page reference.
H) The abbreviation for page is used in a parenthetical citation.


The correct answers here are A) A parenthetical citation is very short and is contained within the text, C) A parenthetical citation gives the author's last name and a page reference for the source material, D) A parenthetical citation is always in parentheses, and G) A comma is not needed between the author's last name and the page reference.

What is the reader experiencing when he or she accepts that the setting is believable and real?A. Foreshadowing
B. Imagery
C. Tension
D. Suspension of disbelief


d. suspension of disbelief


D. Suspension of disbelief


Which one of the following tasks best represents a functional ability?a. Painting the exterior of a home
b. Shopping for groceries
c. Competing in a triathlon
d. Climbing a tree


A functional ability is a ability that is resulting in obtaining something necessary for life. Perhaps the most important things to get to survive is food (and then shelter, temperature regulation, etc). So shopping for groceries (b) would be a good example of functional ability!

What did Johnny do to the Soc to save
Johnny ?



he killed him


i think...




Nomnative and Objective Case pronouns. Can someone check my answers please? Thank you so much!!Directions: For each of the following sentences, identify the correct pronoun in parentheses.
(I put my answers after the sentence)

1. Kiyo and (she, her) have been friends since third grade. She
2. On stage, a magician mysteriously sawed (she, her) in half. She
3. Studying the martial arts taught Sara and (me, I) valuable skills. Me
4. The one with the most baseballs cards is (he, him). Him
5. There is an empty lot between the river and (we, us). Us
6. Ahmed and (he, him) sliced the cantaloupe. He
7. The conductor showed (we, us) how to use a baton. We
8. There are some differences of opinion between Bill and (I, me). Me
9. The yoga instructor taught (we, us) new stretches. We
10. Will the next volunteer be (she, her). She
11. The Clarks gave the puppy to Sandra and (she, her). Her
12. Siamack and (he, him) speak Farsi. He
13. The customers who ordered juice were Becky and (she, her). She
14. It was (I, me) who wanted to speak to you. I
15. The captain of the football team is (he, him). He
16. May Mark and (I, me) borrow your paintbrushes? I
17. I lent (he, him) my favorite jacket. Him
18. Were (they, them) your grandparents? They
19. Did you see (she, her) before she left? She
20. Jason and Susan helped Sarah and (he, him) with their homework. He

Thank you so much!!


2. Her
3. I
4. Him
5. Us
8. Me
10. Her
12. Him
13. Her
15. Me
16. I
18. They
19. Her
20. Him

Which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?End of exam
A. She floated graceful as a dove.
B. The fog comes on little cat feet.
C. A narrow wind complains all day.
D. Spring is a dream unsung.


Since personification means attributing human traits to non-humans, usually inanimate objects, the correct answer must be C - because a wind cannot complain, it is something humans do. 
my opinion is b the fog comes on little cat feet