B. making its bill dull.
C. destroying it.
Don't Know
A. making it small.
In the story "the woman who fell from the sky" a Seneca Legend, a woman gave birth to twins, after conceiving from the West Wind namely Othagwenda(also known as Flint) and Djuskaha(also known as Little Sprout). Flint took birth from his mother's armpit killing his mother, and Little sprout emerged naturally. Their grandmother loved Little Sprout and despised Flint and cast him "into a hollow tree some distance from the lodge." Flint grew rapidly and started making bows and arrows. When both boys grew they thought of expanding their island. Flint went eastward and Little sprout westward. When Lillie Sprout came eastward to see what Flint had made "It was found that he had made the country all rocks and full of ledges, and also a mosquito which was very large."
Little Sprout inspected the mosquito and asked it to run "in order that he might see 'whether the insect could fight." Little Sprout took the mosquito and rubbed him with his hand "causing him to become very small."
I believe it's 1,3, and 5.
Answer: The sentence; "To help the whole community to learn to live through their minds."
Explanation: the rhetorical strategy of pathos is a mode in which the speaker makes an emotional connection with the audience to achieve his purpose to convince them. In the excerpt “What Libraries Mean to the Nation”, he conveyed the feelings he had when he went to a school and noticed that the books children used, were books that had passed from one child to another, and that there was a lack of them. In the sentence "To help the whole community to learn to live through their minds.", Roosevelt expresses that by making libraries, the people would learn to feed their minds, not only their bodies, making then empathy with the audience.