A kitten pushes a ball of yarn rolling toward it at 1.00 cm/s with its nose, displacing the ball of yarn 17.5 cm in the opposite direction in 2.00 s. What is the acceleration of the ball of yarn?


Answer 1
Answer: The problem is very unclear.  The way I understand it is like this: 
The yarn is rolling toward the cat, and from the instant the cat first touches
the yarn, it moves 17.5 cm 2 sec, in the direction opposite to the way it was

Average speed during the 2 seconds after the bump = 17.5 / 2 = 8.75 cm/s .

Average speed = (1/2) (final speed away from the cat - 1 cm/sec towards the cat)

8.75 cm/s = (1/2) (final speed + 1)
Multiply each side by 2 :
17.5 = final speed + 1
Final speed = 16.5 cm/s

Acceleration = (change in speed) / (time for the change)

Acceleration = (16.5 + 1) / (20) = 0.875 cm/s² .

My confidence level in this one is not excessive, but I'll submit it anyway,
and somebody else can explain to me where I went wrong.

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Sound is a longitudinal wave that carries energy. Sound needs a medium to propagate through (this means that sound cannot propagate in vacuum).

The medium usually determines the speed of the wave travelling through it.

As the sound waves travel in a medium, this medium begins to decrease, therefore, the energy of the sound also decreases.

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downward speed.

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Similarities- These planets all have moons and they both revolve around the sun (obviously).

Hope this helps.

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we have ,

w= f*d

45,000 =f * 30

