Do two-headed snakes really exist?


Answer 1
Answer: in cases of birth deffects and conjoined twins, yes it is possible.
Answer 2
Answer: yes , two head are exist .

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Diffusion, Osmosis and EnzymesThe diffusion of water from a high concentration to a low concentration
Lowers the amount of energy needed to perform chemical reactions
When you breath O2 passes into your blood stream while CO2 passes out of your blood stream
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These are to match up


The given statements can be matched as following:

a)The diffusion of water from a high concentration to a low concentration  - Osmosis

b)Lowers the amount of energy needed to perform chemical reactions- Enzymes

c)When you breath O2 passes into your blood stream while CO2 passes out of your blood stream-Simple Diffusion

d)Involved with, but does not become a part of chemical reactions-Enzymes

e)Small molecules with no charge can move through semi-permeable membranes by this process-Simple Diffusion


a) Osmosis is generally defined as the process by which water is transported from a region of Higher concentration to the region of Lower concentration.

b) Enzymes are well known to reduce the amount of energy required or needed for a chemical reaction to take place.

c)The process by which oxygen passes through our blood stream and carbondioxide passes through the other is known as simple diffusion process.

d) Enzymes are ones that actively gets involved in the chemical reaction but they will never become a part of that chemical reaction.

e) Diffusion is the process by which very small molecules that carries no charge moves through semi permeable membrane.

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DNA replication allows the basic units of heredity found on segments of DNA, called , to be passed on from parent to offspring.


Answer : The correct answer is-


Gene can be described as the segment of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that corresponds to particular protein. It is transcribed and translated to produce particular protein, which depicts a specific trait or characteristic of the organism.

Gene is considered as the basic unit of heredity as it is passed from one generation to the next generation (that is from parents to  offspring).

Thus, through replication of DNA, another copy of genes is produced, which is then passed to the next generation.

Therefore, genes is the right answer.

The gene is the basic unit of heredity that is present in the DNA segment. During DNA replication, these genes are passed from one generation to generation.

Further Explanation:

DNA replication is a semiconservative mechanism. It is referred to as the process by which cells divide itself to make a copy of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The mechanism of DNA replication is similar in all the eukaryotic organism. DNA is a double helix structure and each of its strand act as a template which is essential for the synthesis of new complementary strand. Thegenes are present on the DNA which are transferred from one generation to another or from parents to offspring.

This process helps in the formation of two daughter cells. The new cell consists ofone new and one old strand of DNA. DNA replication includes four basic steps:

1. The first step includes the unzipping of a double helix structure that leads tothe formation of the replication fork. DNA polymerase(enzyme)is essential for unzipping the double helix structure into two separate strands.  

2. The second step is the binding of the primer. The primer attached to the 5-prime end of the DNA. It is required for the formation of complementary strand.

3. The third step in DNA elongation and the final step is termination.  

Learn More:

1. Learn more about the treatment of eukaryotic cell with a drug

2. Learn more about the proteins synthesis in a cell

3. Learn more about exchange of gases by blood cells

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Genetic material.


gene, heredity, DNA, segment, replication, generation, organism, polymerase, enzyme, double helix, complimentary, termination, elongation.

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I really don’t know Nd I need the answer to the question cuz I’m slow........HELP