How does the brainstorming method of freewriting help in writing a research paper?


Answer 1
Answer: Brainstorming method helps free writing because you can have more ideas and it helps you write easier
Answer 2

C.  It allows jotting down ideas and thoughts on the research topic in a timed session.

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Final answer:

Pyramus and Thisbe speak to each other through a small crack in the wall, using whispers and gestures to communicate their love.


In the play 'Pyramus and Thisbe', Pyramus and Thisbe speak to one another through a small crack in the wall that separates their houses. They use whispers and gestures to communicate their love for each other.

For example, in Act 5, Scene 1, Pyramus says, 'O kiss me through the hole of this vile wall!' and Thisbe replies, 'I kiss the wall's hole, not your lips at all.' They continue to exchange their messages, with Pyramus expressing his desire and longing, and Thisbe responding in kind.

Although they can't physically touch or see each other, their communication shows their deep affection and the obstacles they face in their forbidden love.

Learn more about Pyramus and Thisbe here:


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I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d banish us – you know! How dreary – to be – Somebody! How public – like a Frog – To tell one’s name – the livelong June – To an admiring Bog! 1. The speaker in the poem above regards fame as a. a good thing. b. the American dream. c. a bad thing. d. a reward 2. Why is using the image of a frog to convey how the speaker feels about being "somebody" an effective choice?a. Frogs constantly announce their presence by croaking, but they aren't really important.
b. Frogs are essential to nature because they add a lively sound to an otherwise dreary bog.
c. Frogs only croak during the month of June, which is a time to be noticed.
d. Frogs are slimy and disgusting creatures that belong in a sticky bog.
3. What is a possible theme of the poem? a. The privacy of being nobody is better than living in the public eye.
b. People should strive to be seen as important, or they'll be rejected.
c. Nobody will notice you if you don't make yourself known.
d. Fame is worth having to put up with boring people who admire you.
4. The connotations of which word in the poem help you understand the speaker's attitude toward fame?
a. public b. dreary c. livelong d. admiring ANSWERS I GOT 1. C 2. A 3. I don't know, maybe B I'm a little nervous, I don't think any of them are right. Can anyone help me look over it? Thanks!


1. The speaker in the poem above regards fame as a C. A BAD THING

2. Why is using the image of a frog to convey how the speaker feels about being "somebody" an effective choice? 
  a. Frogs constantly announce their presence by croaking, but they aren't really important.

3. What is a possible theme of the poem? c. Nobody will notice you if you don't make yourself known.

4. The connotations of which word in the poem help you understand the speaker's attitude toward fame?  b. dreary 

What is one of the themes in this piece? Women have a much harder time getting work than men, but they are more patient. Women are suffering, and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. Poverty, hunger, and unemployment lead to frustration and violence. Any woman can find employment if she makes herself presentable.


the theme of the piece would be women are suffering and there does not seem to be any relief in sight. The only plausible answer is option A  or option B, but the words 'they are more patient' in option A is a little bit of unsupported generalization rather than a theme, so i'd pick B.

hope this helps

Hello!! The answer is B. X3

Explain why you do or do not perform your best in physical education in ten sentences.


Why you should.
-Physical Education promotes your physical stamina andstrength.
 -It boosts your mood.
 -It relieves stress.
 -You can interact with people around as you perform theexercises.
 -It enhances overall well-being. 
Why You Shouldn’t
 -It could be tiring
 -It might not be part of your priority
 -It might not interest you that much.
  -It could drain your energy, especially if you are not usedto it.
- It could be a waste of time if the activity does not matterto you.