In which sentence are the italicized words a dangling modifier? (A dangling modifier is a phrase that has no word in the sentence to modify.) A. Arriving ten minutes late, the store was closed for the night.
B. Not knowing the danger, the soldiers marched into the trap.
C. Resting on the sea bottom, the old trunk held many coins.
D. Flying beneath the cloud, the pilot could see the airport.


Answer 1
Answer: (a) Arriving ten minutes late, the store was closed for the night. "Arriving ten minutes late" is the dangling modifier. It's supposed to modify "the store" but a store can't arrive ten minutes late. Therefore, one could say this instead: Arriving ten minutes late, the man closed the store for the night.

(b) CORRECT. Soldiers can be ignorant of danger.
(c) CORRECT. An old trunk can rest on the sea bottom.
(d) CORRECT. A pilot can fly beneath the cloud.

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The correct answer is (b) setting a goal to read five new pages every night.

(A) will only make you dislike reading, as it won't be interesting or entertaining if you hate the subject you're reading about. (C) will only stress you out, as most people don't have the time to read an entire book in one day - not to mention, even if you manage to do it, you probably will read fast and not enjoy what you're reading as much. While (D) sounds fun, it won't do much to force you to read more, and it may be expensive.

(B) is the best option, because it's a reasonable goal. Overtime, you can build upon the goal as well.
B) i completely agree with the answer above for the same reasons

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A. carelessness
B. deceptiveness
C. selfishness
D. apprehension



B. deceptiveness


The correct answer is ‘’b’’ because ‘'deceptiveness’' is the tending to deceive and, at the same time, ‘’deceive’’, means to mislead; that is what is revealed in this excerpt about Noah Claypole's character in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist. The excerpt shows how Noah Claypole '’performed’' tears and sniffs.

D. the answer would be D.