What did Joseph Smith believe was the goal for Mormons?


Answer 1

Joseph Smith believed that the goal of Mormons was to achieve eternal life and exaltation in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.

Who are Mormons?

Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Christian denomination that was founded by Joseph Smith in the 19th century.

The church has a global membership of over 16 million people and is known for its unique beliefs and practices, including the Book of Mormon as a companion scripture to the Bible and the practice of baptism for the dead.

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believed that the ultimate goal for Mormons was to achieve eternal life and exaltation in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.

He taught that this could be accomplished through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and obedience to the commandments of God.

Learn more about Mormons here:



Answer 2


Joseph Smith wanted religious freedom like any other religion that was being persecuted.


Joseph Smith was a man chosen by God to bring the true church back. He was given scriptures to be translated for people which we can use and read today, (The Book of Mormon) Joseph Smith having a meager education in school being barely able to read and write had only been able to translate and write these scriptures using the help of the holy ghost from Jesus Christ. Long story short, people did not agree with the teachings of Jesus Christ, they would not let anyone who believed in the gospel to even talk to them, even as a friend. Rumors were spread about Joseph Smith that was utterly not true. (However, there are some things that you may have heard about him that are true that can only really be explainable if you were to think about the mindset and what was acceptable back then. Like how Joseph Smith thought it was okay to have multiple wives. Let's not be so cruel as to say that it was only Joseph Smith who thought this was acceptable because almost everybody else thought it was okay too and that it was apart of their everyday lives. Of course, people from different countries might disagree, it was the time and year that made such a thing acceptable to everyone, From my knowledge, of Joseph Smith, I know he is not a liar and when asked if he believed in polygamy, he would have said yes.) People had hardened their hearts against Joseph Smith because of the misunderstanding about what Joseph Smith was trying to do, to bring Jesus Christ's gospel teachings back for us, and to bring the priesthood back for us, to use today. He had to move to many places and was able to show people the gospel and to understand it. Joseph Smith changed so many lives for the best. He brought the church of Jesus Christ back on earth commonly nicknamed the Mormons. They are commonly called the Mormons because the book they use that no other religion uses is The Book of Mormon which was a book of historical events that ended with a man named Mormon who buried and Labeled the plates a long long time ago. There is a misconception about the book to those who haven't read it, however, to those of you who have read it know it's an extension to the Bible, Doctrine & Covenants, and to the pearl of great price, which are all teachings of Christ. Joseph Smith set off to renew the gospel which the Lord told him to rebuild, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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Answer and Explanation:

  • Loose Construction  implies that the Constitution gives the Federal government expansive forces to do what is vital.  
  • A few models incorporate Setting up a national bank, having the administration pay off all states obligations, human services, and so forth.
  • Strict construction implies that the Federal government has very constrained forces.  
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  • Thomas Jefferson held the views of Strict construction.
  • He accepted individuals ought to pursue precisely what was expressed and permitted in the record.
  • The Loose elucidation expresses that the Federal government can do what is useful for the nation regardless of whether the Constitution doesn't unequivocally permit it.
  • The Strict understanding states that the Federal government can just do what the Constitution says it can do.

Final answer:

Loose construction and strict construction concern how the US Constitution is interpreted; the former allows for flexibility, while the latter insists on literal interpretation.


Loose construction and strict construction are the terms related to interpreting the US Constitution Even if they're not directly mentioned in the document. On the other hand, strict construction insists on a literal interpretation of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson predominantly favored a strict construction view. Jefferson was concerned that loose interpretation could lead to a dangerous overreach of power by the federal government.

Learn more about Loose and Strict Construction here:



Why did the Ancient Greeks abolish slavery? And I have my own reasons I want to go deeper into detail.


I would say for more work to be done, and make things a lot easier to be done by that fact.
The ancient greeks abolished slavery because they thought it was morally wrong in the eyes of Hera aulthough cold she is the godess of childbirth fertility and mother hood
Now this is my personal opinion but since im greek i believe that is why slavery was infact abolished
It was the most reasonable if answers

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Who was the french philosopher and writer who criticized injustices in the religious and political and believe people should be free to use their reason their reason and make up their own minds about religion philosophy and political?A condlrcet
B diderot
C voltaire
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Voltaire was a french philosopher and writer who criticized injustices in religion and politics and believe people should be free to use their reason and make up their own minds about religion philosophy and politics. The correct option is C.

What is Voltaire's main idea about religion in society?

According to Voltaire, governmental policies should encourage respect for other faiths. Every society will be peaceful and prosperous if people can be as tolerant as the tolerant Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

The works of Voltaire were forward-thinking. He wrote treatises, pamphlets, and tracts denouncing abuse, injustice, greed, and arbitrary power as well as contributed to the French Encyclopédie. He opposed the use of torture and the death penalty and backed the idea that the punishment should be appropriate for the crime.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Voltaire here:



The correct answer to this question is C. Voltaire.

François-Marie Arouet, better known as, Voltaire, was born on November 21, 1694, Paris, France. He died on May 30th in 1778.

Voltaire was the french philosopher and writer who criticized injustices in the religious and political and believe people should be free to use their reason their reason and make up their own minds about religion, philosophy, and politics.

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