Why does Danilka say that there is no secret in nature that baffles terenty?


Answer 1
Answer: She said that because he was able to answer any question related to nature and its beauty. He knows everything about it, even the tiniest details no other man could know. He actually inspired Danilka to love and awe nature, because of his great love for it.
Answer 2

Danilka said that because she had mastered things about nature and its beauty. Danilka knows everything, even up to a very small little detail that no one else knows. Danilka really has a great sense of love and admiration for nature.

Further Explanation

Definition of the Beauty of Nature. Beauty is a trait and characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that gives the experience of perception of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. In another sense, it is defined as a condition that is pleasing to the eye, beautiful, good or right.

Nature is an environment without human activities. The opposite of the word "nature" is a "protected environment". In addition, nature is the surface of the earth where nature is a place where there are no human activities but this nature as a place that is still natural so that nature is very protected for the lives of animals and other creatures.

"Function of Nature" Nature is an ingredient for all of us who live in this world. therefore humans are obliged to preserve the natural surroundings and protect from people who want to damage it.

Nature is related to Geology. Geology is the science and study of solid and liquid matter that forms the Earth. The field of geology includes the study of the composition, structure, physical properties, dynamics, and history of the materials that make up Earth, and the process of these materials being formed, moved, and changed.

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Beauty of Nature brainly.com/question/773519

Admiration of Nature brainly.com/question/773519


Grade: high school

Subject: English

Keyword: nature, beauty, admiration

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"sleep did not visit Rainsford"



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Virginia Woolf used this technique in her writing, for example in Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse.

A. Virginia Woolf 
Source: https://qwiklit.com/2014/03/22/10-writers-who-use-stream-of-consciousness-better-than-anybody-else/

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c....... cozy
