What is a closed-ended question?


Answer 1
Answer: Multiple choice questions are also called closed ended questions
Answer 2
Answer: it is the other name for MCQ or multiple choice questions

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What is the definition for imperceptible?


"Imperceptible" is an adjective that describes something that is not easily perceived or detected by the senses or human observation. It refers to things that are extremely subtle, faint, or small, making them difficult to notice or recognize.

For example, imagine a gentlebreeze blowing on a warm summer day. The movement of the air may be so slight and gentle that you can feel it, but you cannot see it or hear it. In this case, the movement of the air would be considered imperceptible to the eyes and ears because it is too subtle to be easily noticed.

Similarly, certain changes in temperature or changes in the environment may occur so gradually that they are imperceptible to people over short periods. For instance, a slight drop in temperature over several hours may not be noticeable to individuals, but over time, it can lead to significant changes in weather conditions.

In a different context, imperceptible changes in a person's behavior or emotions may be difficult for others to detect. For example, subtle changes in facial expressions or body language may convey emotions that are imperceptible to most people but can be interpreted by those who are highly observant or sensitive.

Overall, "imperceptible" refers to things that are hard to notice, observe, or detect due to their subtlety, faintness, or smallness, requiring a keen eye or attention to detail to recognize their presence or impact.

To know more about Imperceptible:






not distinguishable by the senses

75 is 10 less than my Number.
55 Is 10 moré than my Number.
what is my number?


The answer is 65. Try doing it as an equation: 75-10=55+10

How are events in a story that are told in chronological order presented to the reader?


When events are presented in chronological order they are told by what happened first to what happened last.




Trace the path of an egg cell by filling in the blanks. After the egg breaks through the ovarian wall, it travels into the _____, which overlies each ovary. From there, it reaches the _____, or womb. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, it is implanted in the _____. uterus; ovary; fallopian tube ovary; fallopian tube; uterus fallopian tube; uterus; endometrium endometrium; uterus; fallopian tube


The correct sequence of the answers is Fallopian tube, uterus and endometrium. After the egg cell breaks through the ovarian wall, it travels into the Fallopian tube where each ovary overlies. From there, it reaches the uterus or the womb. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, it is implanted in the endometrium.


fallopian uterus



Which question would help you analyze the theme of a storyA.what is the important symbols in the story
B.what are the motivations of the major characters
C.what point of view does the author use
D.what does the story mean in a larger context


"What does the story mean in a larger context" is the question among the following choices given in the question that would help you analyze the theme of a story. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the fourth option or option "D". I hope that the answer has helped you.

option d is the correct one, because it emphasizes the questioning of the main point

What are four key points of competent communication?


The four key competencies in competent communication are semantic competency, sociolinguistic capability, talk competency and vital competency, as indicated by the National Capital Language Resource Center. Able correspondence is the right and proper utilization of dialect to accomplish correspondence goals.Linguistic fitness is knowing the vocabulary, sentence structure, and linguistic structure of the dialect. Sociolinguistic capability is knowing how to utilize the dialect fittingly with regards to the setting, the theme, and the individual one is speaking with. Talk capability is knowing how to decipher the bigger setting of the considerable number of sentences set up together. Vital skill is knowing how to perceive and repair correspondence breakdown.

Final answer:

Competent communication involves clarity, enunciation, respectful language, and understanding civility and cultural competence.


Competent communication is an essential skill in various aspects of life, including school, work, and personal relationships. Here are four key points to keep in mind:

  1. Clarity: Effective communication involves expressing ideas clearly and concisely. Using specific terms or jargon that are relevant to the topic can enhance understanding.
  2. Enunciation: Speaking clearly and articulating words properly is crucial for being understood.
  3. Respectful language: Using respectful and courteous language is crucial for maintaining positive communication and avoiding misunderstandings.
  4. Understanding civility and cultural competence: Being aware of different cultural norms, values, and customs is important for fostering respectful and inclusive communication.

By practicing these key points, you can improve your communication skills and effectively convey your message to others.