Which sentence does not contain any errors in the use of italics or quotation marks?a. She read aloud to her sister from the book "Charlotte's Web.
b. She read aloud to her sister from the book "Charlotte's Web."
c. She read aloud to her sister from the book Charlotte's Web.
d. She read aloud to her sister from the book Charlotte's Web.


Answer 1


2 3 5


Answer 2
Answer: B.
Since the quotations and italics are in the right place, B is the correct answer.

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The correct answer is A. Earthly

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the correct answer is A. Simile

your answer is simile.

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The answer is 

Many students said, “They would love to have a salad bar in the school cafeteria.”

Because it has correct capital letters, and the quotation marks are in the right place.

Hope this helped! :)

It is indirect so it would be the last option. “Many students said that they would love to have a salad bar in the school cafeteria”

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"D. on" is the option that corrects the error in capitalization in the poem. There is no reason for "on" to be capitalized here, since it is not a title or a proper noun. 

Identify the following.While your courtesy is appreciated, your letter arrived too late.
simple sentence
complex sentence


This is a complex sentence: it contains two independent clauses that could be sentences by themselves:

1.your courtesy is appreciated,

3.your letter arrived too late.

They're joined by a conjunction (while): this i also typical of complex sentences!


This is a complex sentence


5 star and heart if this helped. I did this on OW