Which process produces the energy radiated by the star when it becomes a main sequence star?


Answer 1
Answer: The process that produces the energy radiated by stars is nuclear fusion in the core.
For a star on the main sequence, it's the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium.

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While we jump on the diving board then the force is applied by us in the downward direction on the diving board

due to this action force applied by us the diving board goes downwards while due to the reaction force of that diving board we will experience a force in opposite direction

that reaction force will be equal in the magnitude of the force applied by us on the diving board and it is opposite in the direction

so here we will move upwards and lift off the diving board

so this is a great example of newton's III law as per this law every action has equal and opposite reaction force

Well, because the diving board is helping the diver jump and helping increase the force of the diver's jump, they work together to help the jumper have a jump.

Consider a point located equidistant from point charges A and B, labeled C in the diagram. If A and B have the same magnitude charge, but A is positive and B is negative, which way does the electric field vector point at Ca) up
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I'm pretty sure its' A. up, Hope this helps :)

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v o = 6 m/s,
t = 2 s
v = 10 m/s
v = v o + a t
a t = v - v o
a = ( v - v o ) / t 
a = ( 10 m/s - 6 m/s ) / 2 s = 4 m/s / 2 s = 2 m/s²
The runner`s acceleration is 2 m/s².

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The mutual gravitational forces of attraction between the Earth
and Sun, plus the mutual gravitational forces of attraction between 
the Earth and Moon, cause the tides on Earth.

Intro physics course is beginning to move into 2D kinematics, stuck on the first real question.A stone is thrown horizontally at 15m/s from the top of a cliff 44m high. What is the velocity of the rock after 2 seconds?
I tried 3(-9.8m/s2) and some other formula's but could never arrive at the correct answer of 24.7m/s. Could someone explain how to arrive at this answer and the reasoning behind it?


-- You kick it horizontally, out off of the cliff, at 15 m/s.  There's no horizontal
force on it, so its horizontal speed never changes.

-- As soon as it clears the edge of the cliff, gravity starts accelerating it
downward, 9.8 m/s faster every second.  After 2 seconds, it has

                           (2 x 9.8) = 19.6 m/s

of downward vertical speed.

At this point, its velocity points somewhere between horizontal and downward-
vertical.  I gather from the wording of the question that you're not so much
concerned with the direction of the velocity as you are with its magnitude ...
that is, the stone's speed in whatever direction it's actually moving.

You have a vector with two components:  15 horizontal and 19.6 vertical.
Those components are perpendicular, so their resultant is just the hypotenuse
of the right triangle.

             (Speed)² = (15 m/s)² + (19.6 m/s)²

                           = (225 m²/s²) + (384.16 m²/s²)

                           =      (609.16 m²/s²) .

             Speed  =  √(609.16 m²/s²)  =  24.681 m/s 

That's where the 24.7 m/s comes from.    /\

(I just looked back at the question again.  Notice that we don't care
how high the cliff is.  That "44m" is in there only to distract those who
don't know what they're doing, and who think that they must use it
just because it's there.)

ok so the x velocity is 15 m/s with no acceleration
the y velocity is 19.62 after 2 seconds because of acceleration of 9.81 m/s x 2

the velocity can be found by making a diagram and solving through the pythagorean theorem

15 sq + 19.62 sq = velocity sq
225 + 384.9444 = velocity sq
velocity = sqrt 609.944 
velocity = 24.7

Which phenomenon provides evidence that light has a wave nature?


Hi Beck

The answer should be

Diffraction of light passing through a narrow opening

I hope that's help :)