I need helpWhich words in the sentence are the complete adjective clause?
He wrote about his grandfather, who served his country in the Marine Corps.
a. in the Marine Corps
b. who served his country
c. who served his country in the Marine Corps
d. about his grandfather


Answer 1
Answer: it has to be C. thats my guess. good luck to you! semper fidelis
Answer 2
Answer: The answer would be "C"!

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In this scene, Brutus and Cassius disagree on questions of honor. The two disagree on how far they are willing to go to gather money that will allow them to pay their armies. However, their disagreement comes from the fact that the two of them have a different understanding of the values that guide them, and what honour means. However, the argument takes place in a tent, as the two worry about arguing out in the open. They believe that this would show the divisions that exist between them, and make their armies less willing to fight.

Thry go to the tent as they dont want to show weakness to their army because if they argue in front of them they will not sure strength and unity.

School starts in august sentence or fragment


It looks and sounds like a sentence to me
I can be a sentence. School starts in August. Then depending on what level your writing skills are.  You would right a sentence better formatted. For example, The school that I go to, the start date is in August. 
So yes it is a sentence, but a sentence that 1st graders would write.I hope this helps. =)

Which sentence uses commas correctly? a. At each stop, in the treasure hunt we found an envelope with a clue.
b. At each stop in the treasure hunt, we found an envelope with a clue.
c. At each stop, in the treasure hunt, we found an envelope with a clue.
d. At each stop in the treasure hunt we found an envelope with a clue.


The correct answer is B) At each stop in the treasure hunt, we found an envelope with a clue.
Since there is an inversion in this sentence (the regular order of words is shifted), there needs to be a comma after the first part. 




Please please PLEASE help me FAST!!Which words in the sentence are the appositive?
Which word does the appositive rename? Stephanie, the youth council president, wants to volunteer at the food bank.

a. Stephanie, the youth; renames president

b. to volunteer; renames wants

c. food bank; renames volunteer

d. the youth council president; renames Stephanie


The correct answer is D. Because an appositive phrase is usually separated from the rest of the sentence with the use of commas, just like in this case. And it refers to the noun, the subject. In this case, the appositive phrase is 'the youth council president', and it refers to, or renames 'Stephanie'.

The most common foot in English poetry is the _____. iamb trochee anapest dactyl spondee


The most common foot in English poetry is the "iamb" but dactyls are also fairly common. It really is up to the preference of the author to choose the poetic meter.

The correct answer is A. Iamb


One of the most important features of poetry is the meter which is the structure followed to construct each verse on a poem and that varies according to the number of syllables in each verse and whether these syllables are stressed or unstressed, this also means different combinations of stressed and unstressed syllables determine the metric of a poem. Additionally, the meter is measured by feet which are the units composed by one stressed syllable and at least one that is unstressed. In the case of English poetry the most common foot is the iamb which consists of the combination of one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable, this is considered as the basic foot in poetry and has been widely used in poems in English; additionally, the preference for one metric or other also depends on the language and in the case of English the Iamb seems to fit with the language features. Thus, the most common foot in English poetry is the iamb.

PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO CORRECT ANSWER"Hope is the Thing with Feathers" by Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—

And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—

I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me.

Which words in the poem support the theme of hope?

A.perches, sings, sweetest
B.sore, storm, abash, little,
C. warm, heard, chillest, Sea
D.strangest, Extremity, crumb


Answer by YourHope:

Hi! :)

Question: Which words in the poem support the theme of hope?

Answer: A) perches, sings, sweetest!

Have a BEAUTIFUL day~


A.perches, sings, sweetest
