What are the functions of pharynx


Answer 1
Answer: There are basically 3 types of pharynx- nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
The function of the pharynx are:-
1. To transport the food from mouth to esophagus. 
2. To warm, moisten and filter the air, before it moves to the trachea, and then to the bronchi, the bronchioles, the alveoli and at last to the lungs.
    Therefore, pharynx(or throat) is a part of both- digestive and respiratory systems.
3. It is also important for vocalization. 

Answer 2
Answer: The pharynx acts as a passageway for food on its way to the stomach and for air en route to the lungs.
The pharynx is the part of the alimentary canal immediately behind the mouth.PharynxThe pharynx, or throat, is the passageway leading from the mouth and nose to the esophagus and larynx. The pharynx permits the passage of swallowed solids and liquids into the esophagus, or gullet, and conducts air to and from the trachea, or windpipe, during respiration. The pharynx also connects on either side with the cavity of the middle ear by way of the Eustachian tube and provides for equalization of air pressure on the eardrum membrane, which separates the cavity of the middle ear from the external ear canal. The pharynx has roughly the form of a flattened funnel. It is attached to the surrounding structures but is loose enough to permit gliding of the pharyngeal wall against them in the movements of swallowing. The principal muscles of the pharynx, involved in the mechanics of swallowing, are the three pharyngeal constrictors, which overlap each other slightly and form the primary musculature of the side and rear pharyngeal walls.

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A. true
B. false


The correct answer should be True!

Answer: False, they have theories but nothing is certain.


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B. natural selection
C. emergent evolution
D. divergent evolution



The correct answer is option A, that is, convergent evolution.


The convergent evolution in evolutionary biology refers to the phenomenon in which the organisms that are not closely associated, that is, not monophyletic, autonomously evolve identical characteristics as a consequence of having to amend to ecological niches or identical surroundings.  

For example, the evolution of lungs and gills that serves similar functions in distant organisms is an illustration of convergent evolution.  


A. Convergent evolution


If analogous or structurally different oragns performing similar function.. We call that convergent evolution.

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A) move and capture food
B) create and exchange genetic material
C) Store and regulate water
D) make and store energy



A) move and capture food


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A fertilized egg will undergo many changes and become an embryo.

The gamete will undergo many changes after the egg is fertilized.

The pupa will undergo many changes within a cocoon.

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plant nutrients

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1.) is D, our bones help us to stand up and are used for support. Without bones, we would all just be piles of blobbiness. ;)

In cross between a purebred tall plant and a purebred short plant, the offspring will all be plants?



All would be Tt


T. T

t. Tt. Tt

t. Tt. Tt


Offspring will resemble the dominant parental phenotype.

They will all be heterozygous. For example Aa or Bb or Cc.....


The offspring will be plants that are resemble the dominant parental phenotype. If tall plant trait is dominant, all kids will be tall. If short plant is dominant trait, all kids will be short.

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I'm not 100% sure but I think the answer is other organisms.