Which amendment banned alcohol


Answer 1
Answer: The Eighteenth Amendment. 
Answer 2
Answer: the 18th amendment banned alcohol .

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After the British left, these 13 colonies became the independent United States of America.

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Mexico’s Constitution of 1917 helped the working class byforcing businesses to pay a living wage.
improving education in rural areas.
protecting the right to strike.
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Mexico’s Constitution of 1917 helped the working class by  protecting the right to strike.


The Mexican National Constitution of 1917 elevated to the constitutional rank the rights of the workers, establishing and regulating the right to strike, the eight-hour labor day, the fixing of a minimum wage, distribution of profits, security measures, dismissal for justified reasons, protection of mothers, abolition of debt peonage, mechanisms of arbitration to resolve conflicts between labor and capital and other stipulations, which made Article 123 the most advanced constitutional article of the time.

Mexico’s Constitution of 1917 helped the working class by protecting the right to strike.

Why is Mexican constitution vital?

The constitution of Mexico was set up 1917, and has been amended a lot of times.

It is one that guarantees some measures of freedoms and civil liberties and also set up economic and political rules for the country.

Learn more about Mexico from


we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity he, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. Which idea is expressed in the excerpt from the constitution? A. The structure of the government will change over time B. it is more important for the government to run efficiently than to protect individual rights C. and individuals rights to justice is something the government can protect D. The powers of government should be separated among its branches



An individual's right to justice is something the government can protect.





We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How were the democratic and republican parties formed?


The Democratic Party is the eldest of the two major political parties of the United States of America. This party actually began in 1791 by the formation of the Republican Party, that later changed its name to the Democratic-Republican party, and was founded by the Third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson and the Fourth President of the United States, James Madison. They formed this party in opposition to Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists. This party soon became the Anti-Federalists' party as more of them became members. The Democratic-Republican party began as staunch supporters of republicanism and the protection of all citizens inalienable rights. This political party was against having a national bank and national debt. Its members felt the national government should lead the example of being fiscally responsible. They were also opposed to Alexander Hamilton's Jay Treaty of 1794 fearing closer economic ties with England would strengthen the Federalists in the newly formed national government. The Democratic-Republican party was in opposition of a large and strong federal government which was what the Federalists were advocating. This is the root platform of the Democratic Party.
Instead this party was pro a constitutional republic where the inalienable rights of the citizens would be adhered and be law by being in the social contract known as a constitution. This was the reasoning behind this party's staunch advocating for strictly adhering to the main body of the United States Constitution and the first ten amendments (the Bill of Rights).

In 1824 the Democratic-Republican party split into two factions and dissolved. One of these factions led by the Seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson and the Eighth President of the United States, Martin Van Buren became the Democratic Party and the other the Whigs. Both of these parties proclaimed their stand for American Republicanism. The Democratic Party kept the platform of the Democratic-Republican party as its own.
The Democratic Party was the majority party in the United States until the American Civil War. In the 1850's this party split again and those in opposition to slavery left the Democratic Party and helped with the formation of the Republican Party. Those known as the War Democrats helped with the campaign that made President Lincoln, a Republican, the first president for the Republican Party to get elected. The Democratic Party further split into what was called the Southern Democrats who were in support of the Confederacy in the South.
By the 1890's the Democratic Party was primarily a Southern party whose members voted party-line each election. These Democrats were known as the "solid South."

What if the following best states how the open door policy affected China and the other countries doing business thereA.) The open door policy stimulated trace and maintained the influence of foreign power of China.
B.) The open door policy benefitted China, the United States, and other foreign powers.
C.). The open door policy increased tax collections in China because of additional trading revenues.
D.). The open door policy benefited the United States because China was grateful for US intervention.


its (A) homie. because if more countries get to trade with china = more money.

Answer: A: The Open Door policy stimulated trade and maintained the influence of foreign powers in China.
