Which describes a purpose of a thesis statement?1.It identifies what readers should know going forward.
2.It shows a student’s point of view on a topic.
3.It supports a student’s point of view on a topic.
4.It summarizes what readers should take away
I know what the definition is but none of these answers look/sound right


Answer 1

The statement that describes a purpose of a thesis statement is ".It shows a student’s point of view on a topic." Option 2 is correct.

A thesis statement presents the ideas of the writer in one or two sentences. It should introduce the topic of the paper as well as make a comment about the writer's position in relation to the topic. The thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper will deal with and keep the argument focused.

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Assuming that you're referring to the Sojurner truth "ain't i a woman"

The quotation support the central idea that Men are not Better than women. From the quotation , she said that even God himself came from a woman, so there's no reason for men to lower women's value.

hope tihs helps

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While texting online is the communication situations, if A person would be most likely to disclose. Hence, option A is correct.

What is communication situations?

A communicative setting is any type of situation in which communication is taking place; examples include discussions, text in all forms, radio, and film. A communication process is any situation in which communication takes place, such as a conversation.

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An example of this layout is a house on the street close to a big tree. Such a situation would be having to decide between two jobs.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more details about communication situations, click here:



A, chatting online would be it

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a. jumped
b. Suddenly
c. frigid
d. into



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The word "suddenly" describes the verb "jumped" by answering the question "how?".
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