_______ of the US Constitution states that the document is the supreme law of the land.a:article 1
b:article 2
c:article 3
d:article 4


Answer 1


Article VI


Article VI establishes to the Constitution, the laws adopted and treaties of the United States concluded in accordance with it, as the supreme law throughout the national territory, and that "the judges of all the states will be bound by it, regardless of of anything that the laws or the constitutions of the states establish to the contrary ". It also validates the national debt created under the articles of the confederation and requires that all legislators, federal officials, and judges swear or affirm "support" the Constitution. This means that the constitutions and laws of the states should not be in conflict with the laws of the federal Constitution; In case of conflict, state judges are legally bound to abide by federal laws and the Constitution above those of any state.

Answer 2

Article VI builds the Constitution, adopted laws and the United States treaties settled following it, as the supreme law in all national territories. The document is the land’s supreme law because it is listed in the "Supremacy Clause".



Article VI, which forbids religious tests for officeholders, also negotiate with public debts and the supremacy of the Constitution, citing the document: “the supreme Law of the Land; …any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

Usually referred to as a supremacy clause, this article states that when state law conflicts with federal law, federal law must succeed. Due to the many federal and state laws, many of which discuss the similar same or topics, there are numerous lawsuits which state that state laws conflict with federal laws and are thus invalid. In these lawsuits, the Supreme Court commonly looks at whether Congress has built a national regulatory system and if so, the states cannot regulate it.

The court also observes if state law directly intervenes with or contravened federal law. In all these circumstances, the supremacy clause confirms that federal law predates priority over, or seizes, state law. The priority of federal power over the state powers is called the " doctrine of preemption."

Article VI also stipulates that federal and state officials—including judges and legislators—must comply with the U.S. Constitution (state officials must obey the constitutions and laws of their own states as well). To safeguard religious freedom, this article confirms that no public bureaucrat is required to pledge or practice loyalty to a certain religion.  



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KEYWORDS : Article VI, Supreme Law of the Land, constitution, federal state

Subject  : History

Class  : 10-12

Sub-Chapter : Supreme Law of the Land

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During the 184os, supporters of ManifestDestiny favored
(1) closing the frontier to settlement
(2) ending the American System
(3) acquiring Texas and California
(4) ceding the Oregon territory to Russia


The correct answer is (3) acquiring Texas and California.

The doctrine of Manifest  Destiny was an ideology during the 19th century that expressed the belief that the United States of America was destined to expand its frontiers from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This belief was used to justify the acquisition of territory and it was based on the notion that the United States of America was responsible for the expansion of modern civilization and progress, with its technological and scientific developments, to new lands. Therefore, according to this perspective, the USA not only had the right to expand but it was a responsibility to do so in the name of progress. For these reasons, supporters of this doctrine agreed on acquiring Texas and California since eventually acquiring them was a natural step in order to fulfill the goal of achieving the Pacific Ocean and taking Western civilization to these lands.

During the 1840’s supporters of Manifest Destiny favored acquiring Texas and California.

Further Explanations:

Manifest Destiny was an idea coined in the United States during 1845 that laid emphasis on expanding the dominion and spread of capitalism and democracy in the Northern part of the American continent. The doctrine during that era conveyed the belief of the destined expansion of American States from the limits of the Atlantic Ocean to the frontier of the Pacific Ocean. The doctrine of annexation of new territories was justified by the manifest that, the expansion is just to introduce modernization and technological advancement. This theory supported him with a reason to acquire Texas and California without any resistance.  

Annexation of Texas into the United States was done in 1845 and was acknowledged to the American Union on 29th December 1845. During the annexation vast amount of citizens were slaves and because of it, the slaveholding region infiltrated the political climate of the realm.

The rapid expansion policies based on the manifest destiny were advocating the expansion of dominion and at the same time raising the issue of slavery which resulted in the upsurge of the Civil War.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: History

Chapter: Manifest Destiny


Manifest Destiny, capitalism, democracy, American, continent, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, modernization,technological, advancement, Texas, California,Civil War

23. Which of the following statements expresses a major principle illustrated in the Israelites' destruction of Jericho?a. Anger and vengeance can lead us to make choices that hurt others and ourselves.
b. As we act in faith to obey the Lord with exactness, He will be with us and help us do things we could not do by
c. When we murmur against Church leaders, we are also murmuring against the Lord.


Answer: (b) As we act in faith to obey the Lord with exactness, He will be with us and help us do things we could not do by ourselves.

Final answer:

The major principle illustrated in the Israelites' destruction of Jericho is that as people act in faith and obedience to God, He will be with them and help them accomplish things that may seem impossible.


The Israelites' destruction of Jericho is a significant event in the Old Testament of the Bible. According to the Book of Joshua, the Israelites, led by Joshua, conquered the city of Jericho by marching around its walls for seven days and blowing trumpets. This event is seen as a demonstration of faith and obedience to God's command.

The major principle illustrated in the Israelites' destruction of Jericho is the belief that as people act in faith and obedience to God, He will be with them and help them accomplish things that may seem impossible. The Israelites followed God's instructions, even though they may not have fully understood the strategy, and their obedience led to the walls of Jericho collapsing and the city being conquered.

Learn more about principle illustrated in the israelites' destruction of jericho here:



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b. the Emancipation Proclamation
c. the election of the first president
d. the building of the Hoover Dam


The best option in terms of a direct violation of the constitution would be "b. the Emancipation Proclamation," since this was done entirely by Executive Order, without the consent of Congress.