What does this quote mean? "After some six weeks fatting amongst those Savage courtiers, at the minute of my execution, she hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine."


Answer 1
Answer: I like splitting up the phrases of quotes like this to make it easier to understand.

"After some 6 weeks fatting amongst those savage courtiers" – after character has spent 6 weeks preparing for execution (lamb fattened for slaughter)...

"At the minute of my execution" – just before/as I was about to be executed...

"she hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine" – she (feminine character) risked her own life (beating out of brains = death) to save his life.
Answer 2

Final answer:

The quote describes a perilous situation where the speaker was to be executed because of political intrigues, but a woman risked her life to save his.


The phrase is a richly figurative one, and it appears to be set in a time of brutal and dangerous courtly politics. Basically, the quote recounts a situation where the speaker has been caught up in dangerous political intrigues ('fatting amongst those Savage courtiers') likely against his will, and is scheduled to be executed ('at the minute of my execution'). The 'she' referred to in the quote is someone who loved or cared for the speaker so much that she was willing to risk her life ('she hazarded the beating out of her own brains') to save the speaker's life ('to save mine'). This implies that she took a significant and violent action, likely causing a major commotion, with the risk of injury being fatal.

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And young affection gapes to be his heir;
That fair for which love groan'd for and would die,
With tender Juliet match'd, is now not fair.
Now Romeo is beloved and loves again,
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It gives instructions about the stage props and the stage layout.


It creates an ominous mood that hints at the conflicts of the play.

It recaps past events that happened in the play or offstage.

In this prologue, it begins by explaining that Romeo's feelings for Rosaline have gone and they are replaced by a new love. His new love returns his affections. However, she is his enemy. The prologue then talks about how Juliet is in love with her enemy. This is a recap of past events as well as hinting at the conflicts that come later in the play. The prologue reminds the reader that these two are not supposed to be in love and it will be a problem for them.

I did read a version of this so SPOILER WARNING SPOILER-- ahh, why bother? Everyone knows this story by now. *Ahem!* I believe it foreshadows Romeo and Juliet's deaths at the end, and I believe it nods to the conflict of that the two are in love but because of the feud between their families, it's forbidden, and it starts to settle in the ominous feelings which could in turn foreshadow the deaths too, IDK, don't take what I say to heart XD just what I think, hope this helps

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'If someone wants to smoke and get ill, that's his or her choice.'
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'Smoking is a terrible habit which causes many social problems and can even kill you — it should be banned!'
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Your article should be between 150 and 200 words long.
The comments above may give you some ideas but you are free to use any ideas of your own.


Talk about how hateful smoking is for you and people around you. You should be very detailed and specific! There's your outline and good luck on your project! I hope I helped and message me if you need anything else!

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Fear and uncertainty. In Act I when he hears the prophecy from the three witches he ishesitant to go through with the deed of killing King Duncan.  Lady Macbeth upbraids him and pushes to goon.  Even when he does kill the King, he stillhas doubts and he is so shaken by the deed that Lady Macbeth has to help him.




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B) the saleswoman sold: two houses she was very happy that day
C) the saleswoman sold two houses; she was very happy that day
D) the saleswoman sold two houses: she was very happy that day





There should either be a comma and since none of them have a comma it should be the semi-colon to separate the sentence sections.




C seems to be the correct answer because it uses a semicolon in the correct place, while B and D each use a colon in the incorrect places, and without a comma. A seems to use no punctuation at all, which makes it a run-on sentence.

These types of writers start off with existing plan


There are several types of writers that start off with existing plan, since you provide no options, those writers are :
 - Business Plan Writers
- Focus Writers 
- Research writers . . .These three types of writers usually start of with existing plan,

With practice, both Kendra and Jason mastered the violin. (1 point)a. part of a compound subject
b. part of a compound predicate
c. a direct object


Assuming this is referring to the word "violin", it would be a "direct object", since it is the thing being mastered, which means the verb (action) of the sentence is directly applied to it. 


part of a compound subject


the subject is talking about Kendra and Jason, and I didn't choose the predicate because the predicate would be mastered the violin and it wouldn't make sense. same with direct object