A man is standing on a weighing machine on a ship which is bobbing up and down with simple harmonic motion of period T=15.0s.Assuming the motion is vertical calculate the amplitude of the ship's motion, if the scale reading of the machine varies between limits of 55.0kg and 65.0kg.


Answer 1
Well, first of all, one who is sufficiently educated to deal with solving
this exercise is also sufficiently well informed to know that a weighing
machine, or "scale", should not be calibrated in units of "kg" ... a unit
of mass, not force.  We know that the man's mass doesn't change,
and the spectre of a readout in kg that is oscillating is totally bogus.

If the mass of the man standing on the weighing machine is 60kg, then
on level, dry land on Earth, or on the deck of a ship in calm seas on Earth,
the weighing machine will display his weight as  588 newtons  or as 
132.3 pounds.  That's also the reading as the deck of the ship executes
simple harmonic motion, at the points where the vertical acceleration is zero.

If the deck of the ship is bobbing vertically in simple harmonic motion with
amplitude of M and period of 15 sec, then its vertical position is 

                                     y(t) = y₀ + M sin(2π t/15) .

The vertical speed of the deck is     y'(t) = M (2π/15) cos(2π t/15)

and its vertical acceleration is          y''(t) = - (2πM/15) (2π/15) sin(2π t/15)

                                                                = - (4 π² M / 15²)  sin(2π t/15)

                                                                = - 0.1755 M sin(2π t/15) .

There's the important number ... the  0.1755 M.
That's the peak acceleration.
From here, the problem is a piece-o-cake.

The net vertical force on the intrepid sailor ... the guy standing on the
bathroom scale out on the deck of the ship that's "bobbing" on the
high seas ... is (the force of gravity) + (the force causing him to 'bob'
harmonically with peak acceleration of  0.1755 x amplitude).

At the instant of peak acceleration, the weighing machine thinks that
the load upon it is a mass of  65kg, when in reality it's only  60kg.
The weight of 60kg = 588 newtons.
The weight of 65kg = 637 newtons.
The scale has to push on him with an extra (637 - 588) = 49 newtons
in order to accelerate him faster than gravity.

Now I'm going to wave my hands in the air a bit:

Apparent weight = (apparent mass) x (real acceleration of gravity)

(Apparent mass) = (65/60) = 1.08333 x real mass.

Apparent 'gravity' = 1.08333 x real acceleration of gravity.

The increase ... the 0.08333 ... is the 'extra' acceleration that's due to
the bobbing of the deck.

                        0.08333 G  =  0.1755 M

The 'M' is what we need to find.

Divide each side by  0.1755 :          M = (0.08333 / 0.1755) G

'G' = 9.0 m/s²
                                       M = (0.08333 / 0.1755) (9.8) =  4.65 meters .

That result fills me with an overwhelming sense of no-confidence.
But I'm in my office, supposedly working, so I must leave it to others
to analyze my work and point out its many flaws.
In any case, my conscience is clear ... I do feel that I've put in a good
5-points-worth of work on this problem, even if the answer is wrong .

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two identical spring have identical spring constant

mass 'm' is hanging on one spring and mass of '2m' on another wall.

energy of the two system is same

energy of the system having mass 'm'

E = (1)/(2)m\omega_1^2A_1^2

energy of the system having mass '2m'

E = (1)/(2)(2m)\omega_1^2A_1^2

now, Energy are same

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When hot water comes in contact with cold water , the hot water from the bottom of the vessel is hot and so reduces its density. So low density ware goes up and cold water from side or above replaces the space. This is how Energy is transferred by the process of convection from the hot water at the bottom of the tank to the cooler water at the top.

What is convection?

The process of heat transfer from one part of a fluid to another part by the actual movement of the particles of the fluid is called convection. Liquid and gases are heated by the process of convection.

When hot water comes in contact with cold water , the hot water from the bottom of the vessel is hot and so reduces its density. So low density ware goes up and cold water from side or above replaces the space. This is how Energy is transferred by the process of convection from the hot water at the bottom of the tank to the cooler water at the top.

learn more about convection



The transfer of energy means, in convention process, transport of matter. In this case, hot water has lower density than cool water. The water with less density ascends and leaves gaps that are occupied with cooler water "packages".

According to Newton's third law of motion, if you push against a wall, the wall will __________.a. attract you with its low gravity
b. fall over once you overcome its inertia
c. push against you with equal force
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c. push against you with equal force

What is newton's third law of motion?

Newton's third law simply states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, if object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A.

Newton's third law of motion describes that,

Forces always act in equal but opposite pairs.

Another way of saying this is for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.

This means that when you push on a wall, the wall pushes back on you with a force equal in strength to the force you exerted.

A person pushes against a wall (action force), and the wall exerts an equal and opposite force against the person (reaction force).


According to Newton's third law of motion, if you push against a wall, the wall will push against you with equal force.

Learn more about Newton's third law of motion here:



C. push against you with equal force