1.A long history of territorial conflicts has made Greeks and Turks blank toward each other .2.The government has encouraged blank by making charitable contributions tax deductible .
3.Her fear of disease has made her blank about germs.
4.Like true blank , she asked to see the library first .
5.The blank woodland glade was disrupted by the noise of motorcycle club racing through.
6.She became so blank of Venice after a summer there that she changed her major to Italian .
7.Uriah Heep's pretense of being humble when he is, in fact , arrogant and sneaky makes him an character in David Copperfield .
8.Although not so close friends ,we have maintained blank relations with our next door neighbors for a decade .
9.When the director angrily threatened to recast the play with more diligent students ,we tried to blank her by promising to help build sets and make costumes .
10.In the struggle against racial injustice,Martin Luther king Jr.,used nonviolent resistance a form of blank he learned from Mahatma Gandhi.


Answer 1
Answer: 1.amicable 2.appease 3.phobia 4.bibliophile 5.pacify 6.acrophobia 7.pacific 8.xenophobia 9.enamored 10.amity

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Part AWhat inference can be made about Bob Heft in “A Flag with 50 Stars”?

He has important connections to government officials.

He works hard and does not give up easily.

He is accustomed to success and does not take criticism well.

He is more knowledgeable about American history than most students.

Question 2
Part B

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

“Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right.”

“He was pleased with his solution to the problem, but his teacher found it less than perfect and gave him a B minus.”

“Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag.”

“His teacher replied that if his design was accepted as the new flag, he would be more than happy to change the grade to an A.”



Part A is B- He works hard and does not give up easily.

Part B is A- “Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right.”


The question asked for an Inference about Bob in the story, and in the story, it stated that Bob Spent hours on the flag in his attic, That also infers that for part A he does not give up easily. Have a good day.

Answer: Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag.”


Which sentence has no errors in punctuation? A. June made her bed, washed the dishes, and packed a lunch before leaving for school. B. Mom made the drapes, Dad put the new bed together and I painted the room blue. C. Amy bought a dozen oranges, three avocados and a cactus plant, at the farmer's market. D. At one time, we had three dogs six chickens and two goats.


Either A or B...I'm not sure.

I hope this helped :)
I say it is C and I'm not 100% 

I need one ASAP Please


Imagine a blue creature that looks like a cross between a Minion and Mike Wazowski :P

YO Pleaseeeeeeeeee help with this!!!



C. is the correct answer


if you expand the bracket C you get

3(2g - 6h) to

6g - 18 h

one expands the bracket as such by multiplying the term outside the bracket by each term inside the bracket seperated by the function inside the bracket.

so the right answer is C which upon expanding gives the same expression as in the question.


the correct answer is C

Satelit sering disebut


Pengiring planet. Satelit adalah benda langit anggota tata surya yang selalu mengiringi planet sehingga disebut sebagai pengiring planet. Karenanya, satelit akan berevolusi bersama planetnya mengelilingi matahari. Selain gerakan ini, satelit pun akan berotasi dan berevolusi mengelilingi planet yang diiringinya.

Final answer:

Satelit adalah objek yang diluncurkan ke orbit Bumi untuk berbagai tujuan. Kebanyakan satelit diluncurkan ke orbit Bumi rendah untuk meminimalkan energi peluncuran. Stabilitas orbit ini dapat terganggu oleh gesekan yang dihasilkan atmosfer Bumi yang membengkak dari waktu ke waktu.


Satelit adalah objek yang diluncurkan ke orbit Bumi dan digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan seperti pelacakan cuaca, ekologi, sistem positioning global, komunikasi, dan keperluan militer. Setiap tahun, lebih dari 50 satelit baru diluncurkan ke orbit oleh negara-negara seperti Rusia, Amerika Serikat, China, Jepang, India, dan Israel, serta oleh European Space Agency (ESA), konsorsium negara-negara Eropa. Kebanyakan satelit diluncurkan ke orbit Bumi rendah, karena ini memerlukan energi peluncuran minimum. Dengan kecepatan orbit 8 kilometer per detik, mereka mengorbit planet dalam waktu sekitar 90 menit. Beberapa orbit Bumi rendah sangat rendah tidak stabil secara tidak terbatas karena, atmosfer Bumi membengkak dari waktu ke waktu, hambatan gesekan dihasilkan oleh atmosfer pada satelit ini, yang akhirnya menyebabkan kehilangan energi dan 'peluruhan' orbit.

Learn more about Satelit here:



Select the correct answer.Why is a thesis statement important when writing a film review?
O A. because it conveys the main idea on which the review is based
O B.
because it summarizes the review's key points in two lines or less
O C.
because it provides readers with an alternative point of view
D. because it explains in detail the film's purpose and meaning





Other Questions
Read the story.Racing to RaceCarlo stopped to rest for a minute and tried to catch his breath. He’d been running for so long that he had pains in his side and his legs were beginning to hurt. He hunched over and tried to expand his lungs, but it was like trying to suck air out of a bicycle tire. His body was too exhausted to even allow him to take a deep breath, and he started to wheeze again.“Great,” he thought, “let me just add asthma to my expanding list of ailments. I can’t believe that I can’t even jog two miles without completely collapsing!” He finally gave in to his aching body and laid down on the grass to recuperate. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine himself running on the school track in the 1,600-meter race. He pictured himself running steadily toward the finish line, running effortlessly like a cheetah in the jungle. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even hear Meiya approach.“Hey sleepyhead, what are you doing napping on Sean’s lawn in the middle of the day?” Meiya asked playfully.Carlo quickly sat up, breathing normally now and feeling a little embarrassed. “I am trying to get in shape to try out for track, but I can’t even run two miles,” he said dejectedly.“Wait, how many months are you out of surgery? Didn’t you just finish rehab last week?” Meiya asked. “You can’t expect to run two miles the first day.”It had been six months since Carlo’s surgery and he specifically remembered the doctor telling him he could start running after six months. But he thought about what Meiya had said and realized she had a good point. After his surgery, the doctor did say rehab would be crucial to his recovery but that it would take time for him to gain back full use of his leg. He thought about how a baby had to learn to walk before it could run. He remembered when his nephew was learning to crawl; within days it seemed like he was walking. Running didn’t come right away, Carlo remembered. He realized it was the same with his therapy. The maximum he had run in the past month was one mile on the treadmill, so he realized that Meiya was probably right. He would have to work at building up his endurance and set more realistic goals for himself. As he thought about what he had already accomplished, he started to smile and felt like a weight was being lifted off his shoulders. He realized that he had run almost a mile and a half before his body started to protest and if he kept working hard, he could get back to where he was before his accident.“Since when did you get so smart, Dr. Meiya?” he teased. “Do you want to race to the next mailbox?”“You’re on!” she challenged and took off running at full speed.Read the sentence from “Racing to Race.”"Hey, sleepyhead, what are you doing napping on Sean's lawn in the middle of the day?" Meiya asked playfully.What does this sentence reveal about how Meiya views Carlo?Meiya knows Carlo well enough to know that he won't take offense at her teasing.Meiya thinks that Carlo is not a very good athlete.Meiya is sarcastic to hide the fact that she does not really like Carlo.Meiya is concerned about Carlo’s lack of energy.