Soup is to lunch as oatmeal is to breakfast, typed is to e-mail as wrote is to letter, shout is to yell as brag to boast and near is to close as distant to remote.
De-husked, steamed, and flattened oats are used to make oatmeal. Hulled oat grains are used to make coarse flour that is either milled or steel-cut. White oats are another name for ground oats. Coarse oatmeal, Irish oatmeal, and pinhead oats are all names for steel-cut oats.
The high fiber content and prebiotic properties of oatmeal may have multiple health benefits for human body. Making oatmeal a regular component of anyone diet that may reduce the chance of developing diseases, promote the health of gut, ease bowel motions, and help feel fuller for longer.
Therefore normal is to usual as strange is to odd, lose is to lost as known is to found, climb is to hill as solve is to problem, approve is to disapprove as praise is to scold and teacher is to student as host is to guest and surf is to wave as ski is to slope.
Learn more about oatmeal:
a. Alyssa played a board game
b. with her family
c. As she drank her lemonade
The curtains were shredded and all over the room; my cat looked very guilty.
Do you know why we are here; me neither.
Once there was a very hungry troll; but he was very kind as well.
The correct sentence using semicolon is the following: The curtains were shredded and all over the room; my cat looked very guilty.There're two independent clauses and an example of compound sentence. Express a complete thought and have the same level of importance.
b) the riots in Paris as a result of mistreatment of French settlements in Africa
c) the popularity of the music among suburban white teenagers in America.
d)the change from cassette recordings to CD sales in retail outlets nationwide.