Which physical feature has most limited the movement of people living in North America ?


Answer 1
Answer: Mountains and landscape

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UK is short for 1) United Kingdom


Andrew Carnegie as best known as: A) Leader of the Senate
B) Owner of Standard Oil
C) Populist leader
D) Owner of one of the largest Steel companies in America.


D. Andrew Carnegie was once the richest man on earth when he sold his steel company to J P Morgan

What was one main reason for massive inflation in Germany following World War I?


The correct answer is: "The Treaty of Versailles"

The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 after WWI, by the victorious allied powers and Germany. Germany was considered guilty for all the losses beared due to the conflict and was oblied, through this treaty, to pay economic reparations to some of the victorious Entente powers.

Germany was also forced to delimitarize and to keep its armed forces and weapon production at a minimum, to guarantee that they were uncapable of undertaking an offensive action again.

These requirements severely damaged the German economy. Germany could not afford the huge reparations payments and printed money to be able to pay them, causing a big recession and an hyperinflation crisis.

in world war I, German emperor Wilhelm II decided to fund their entire war preparation by borrowing, which massively increases Germany's financial liabilities, which led to massive inflation during world war I

Not only that, the government also has to pay the reparation of about one-third of German's territory, another huge financial expenditure for them

Which three industries would be the most directly affected if regulations and laws regarding deforestation became stricter.


The Logging, Timber and Construction Industries would be the most affected

For obvious reasons, anyone employed in the logging industry would be severely affected if stricter laws were enforced regarding deforestation since less trees could be cut down compared to today's current quotas.

Secondly, those working in the Timber industry would also be immediately affected by the restricted availability of timber and wood in general.

Thirdly, the Construction industry, particularly in states where building structures are mostly wooden structures due to earthquakes, would suffer a tremendous pressure to remain competitive as Timber and wood prices would inevitably increase in price as availability decreases.

Those with positive attitudes tend to ___________.a. Be dissatisfied with their jobs faster
b. Be sick more often than others
c. Be unable to solve problems creatively
d. Be comfortable around other people


Those with positive attitudes tend to: d. Be comfortable around other people

People with positive attitudes are much more likely to appreciate every single things that exist in their surrounding, including the people that belong within their social group. This make them become more likely to appreciate other people and feel comfortable around other people regardless of their defects.

Logical answer answer is D. Be Comfortable around other people

One of the best-known theories put forth in support of the traditional view of gender roles is that of sociologist _____, whose theory of the family assumed that highly contrasting gender roles were essential for families and society.


Answer: Talcott Parsons.

Explanation: Traditional view established that male-oriented culture is the framework that brings about gender roles in our society. However, certain theories had evolved to back this view.

American sociologist, Talcott Parsons (generally regarded as a structural functionalist) deduce his theory to back traditional view. Parsons’ theory of the family expressed that highly contrasting gender roles were crucial for families and the society at large.

Cultural values and social structures are the main framework he used to view voluntarisitic action, in which all social actions are determined, opposing actions expressed by intrinsic psychological activities.