How is citizenship related to voting


Answer 1
Answer: In the United States, it is required for a citizen to be an American Citizen in order for that person to vote and cannot be done without that citizenship. 
Answer 2

Only citizens are allowed to vote in elections. You may be a natural-born or naturalized citizen. The length of time of your citizenship does not matter.

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The correct answer is: "the expansion of communism and the URSS".

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New Technologies promote urban subsistence and a modernized mass society emerges. Changes in State education boost literacy meters; African Americans struggle to end legalized differentiation. Progress in science and technology aides answer Urban difficulties, including congestion, unsanitary situations, and death.


The popularity of bicycling and entertainment parks revealed an attention in recreation activities aim of the 1900s. The foundation of cycles affected females because it gave them think more confident. Western venture stories were a kind of fiction very famous throughout the curve of the 20th century. New Urban Environments supported feminist activism; Millions of females served outside of the house proceeded to demand polling advantages, enhanced operating in civil reform movements, such as abstinent women’s Temperance Movement.

As a lawyer I dedicated my life to defeating Jim Crow. I believed that the way to do it was to fight for the correct interpretation of the words of the Constitution. Who am I?


The person that is described in the passage is Charles Hamilton Houston.

Houston was an African-American lawyer who dedicated his career to fight and dismantle the Jim Crow Laws, local laws of southern states that segregated black people in those territories. He was also a mentor to many African-American jurists, including Thurgood Marshall.

Charles Hamilton Houston

Progressive ReformersWomen's Christian Temperance Union



Which choice best fills in the descriptions above:

A. flappers

B. rural residents

C. urban residents

D. Al Capone

Which statement does not describe change occurring during the Roaring 20's:

A. Americans had more disposable income to spend on things such as entertainment

B. Athletes and actors began to change into national icons due to radio and magazines

C. Due to limited advancements in technology, the majority of disposable income was being spent on illegal alcohol.

D. Movies and sports became very popular.



The roots of the temperance movement stretch all the way back to the early nineteenth century. The American Temperance Society, founded in 1826, encouraged voluntary abstinence from alcohol, and influenced many successor organizations, which advocated mandatory prohibition on the sale and import of alcoholic beverages. Many religious sects and denominations, and especially Methodists, became active in the temperance movement. Women were especially influential. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union, founded in 1873, was one of the leading advocates of prohibition.

During the Progressive Era, calls for prohibition became more strident. In many ways, temperance activists were seeking to ameliorate the negative social effects of rapid industrialization. Saloons and the heavy drinking culture they fostered were associated with immigrants and members of the working class, and were seen as detrimental to the values of a Christian society. The Anti-Saloon League, with strong support from Protestants and other Christian denominations, spearheaded the drive for nationwide prohibition. In fact, the Anti-Saloon League was the most powerful political pressure group in US history—no other organization had ever managed to alter the nation’s Constitution.


Pls help me!The black codes were various state laws in the south concerning African-Americans which of the following statements about the black codes is not accurate.

A. The black codes protected the civil rights of African-Americans.

B. African Americans who cannot afford to pay a fine could be jailed and then be hired out to anyway person who could pay the fine.

C. Some southern states passed laws that prohibited is African-Americans from voting or serving on jury‘s.

D. The black codes were designed to force African-Americans into a condition of near slavery.


The black codes protected the civil rights of African Americans.
The answer would be d