What was the appeal of revivalism?


Answer 1
Answer: The biggest appeal of Christian Revivalism was the Protestant idea that people could have a personal relationship with God without having to pay indulgences to the Church, which appealed to many people who wanted a "pure" relationship with their God. 

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Answer: B. Spanish civil war

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How were Aztec chinampas constructed? (5 points) raised plots for crops were built on dry land with irrigation channels between them raised plots for crops were built from mud in the lake bed with canals between them raised plots for crops were built on dry land with canals between them raised plots for crops were built from depositing dry earth into the river bed with canals between them



Raised plots for crops were built from mud in the lake bed with canals between them


A chinampa is an ancient Mesoamerican method of agriculture and territorial expansion that, through a species of rafts covered with soil, served to cultivate flowers and vegetables, as well as to expand the territory on the surface of lakes and lagoons of the Valley of Mexico; making Mexico-Tenochtitlan a floating city. They used them for agriculture and gain ground in the lake waters.

It is a raft, frame made with trunks and rods, sometimes of considerable size, on which is deposited properly selected topsoil with biodegradable materials such as grass, litter, husks of different fruits and vegetables, etc. In the chinampa a willow was planted so that its roots grew from the water to the mainland on the banks of lagoons and streams, and after the willow grew, they sowed different crops which they later harvested.

It is a technique initiated in the times of the Teotihuacan culture, although its maximum development was achieved in the sixteenth century. By 1519, this technique, for example, occupied almost all of Lake Xochimilco, and its combination with other techniques such as irrigation by canals and the construction of terraces, made it possible to sustain a very dense population.

Final answer:

The Aztec chinampas were agricultural plots built in the shallows of a lake bed with a multipurpose irrigation network. They were constructed using woven reeds and mud and anchored by corner trees. The decomposing materials created fertile earth suitable for crop cultivation.


The Aztec chinampas, often referred to as 'floating gardens', were ingenious agricultural constructs. They were built by creating platforms of woven reeds that were staked into the shallow lake bed and filled with mud. Over time, the decomposing reeds combined with the mud created a rich, fertile earth for crop cultivation. The platforms were secured and further fortified by planting trees at their corners, whose roots would entangle with the stakes and reeds, creating a strong, durable plot.

Importantly, the Aztecs devised a network of narrow irrigation canals around each chinampa. These canals served a dual purpose: they provided easy navigation between the chinampas by canoe and ensured that the crops received an ample supply of water. Hence, the proper construction of these raised agricultural plots played a vital role in providing an efficient and effective farming system in the shallow lake environment of the ancient Aztec civilization.

Learn more about Aztec chinampas here:



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B a mother plants rice to feed her children
C a young person trains to work as an artist
D a family hunts for food in order to survive


The neolithic revolution, also called the Agrarian Revolution, was a large scare change from hunter-gatherer societies to a settled lifestyle based on farming. The correct answer is D a family hunts for food in order to survive - all the other options could only be found after the revolution.

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