Most slaves that were sent to the Caribbean ended up working _________.


Answer 1
Answer: Most slaves that were sent to the Caribbean ended up working sugar plantations, since sugar was in incredibly high demand in Europe, making it very expensive and profitable. 

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The answer to this question is Army

Which conflict greatly stressed relations between the American colonists and Britain?


It was primarily the "French and Indian War" that greatly stressed relations between the American colonists and Britain, since this led the British to heavily tax the colonists. 

7. What was the long-term impact of Martin Lutherʼs break from the Catholic Church? What do we see today as a result of his “revolution”


Martin Luther broke from the Catholic Church after nailing his 95 theses to a church door in 1517.  He restudied the Bible and realised that many of the Catholic church's policies and ideas had no Biblical background.  The long-term impact is known today as Protestantism.


His beliefs completely influenced the start of a new branch of Christianity.


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I think they are religion, culture, economics, and politics. 





What was one of President Wilson's Fourteen Points?



hope this helps you


The 14 points included proposals to ensure world peace in the future: open agreements, arms reductions, freedom of the seas, free trade, and self-determination for oppressed minorities.Wilson later suggested that there would be another world war within a generation if the U.S. failed to join the League.

If you are charged w reckless driving, your case will most likely be presented to a A. Criminal Court
B. Court of limited jurisdiction
C. Court of general jurisdiction
D. Grand jury


B. Court of limited jurisdiction