Civilian rule was abolished for good.
Nkrumah became stronger than ever.
Government instability increased.
Government instability increased is the correct answer.
The coup against Ghanian leader Dr.Kwame Nkrumah was carried out on Feb 24, 1966. It was carried out by low ranking police and military officials and they were assisted by CIA and State department. Members of CPP were arrested, killed and driven out of country. CPP press was also taken away along with the radio stations. CIA encouraged counter revolutionary mobs and military police to seize power. Ghanian and African revolutionaries working within the government, media and educational sector were also fired. It was led by General Joseph Ankrah and Kwame Nkrumah was forced to leave the country.
Government instability increased
East and West
Latitude is how far north or south you are. If two cities are at the same distance north or south of the equator, a line between the two would be going east and west.
Have a wonderful day! :D
If two cities fall on the same line of latitude, a straight line drawn between them would primarily move in an east-west direction, as lines of latitude run east-west around the globe.
When two cities fall on the same line of latitude, a line drawn between these two cities will primarily move in an east-west direction. Latitude lines, also referred to as parallels, run east-west around the globe. Therefore, any two points falling on the same line of latitude will be east or west of each other.
Imagine a globe with latitude lines. If you pick any two points on the same line of latitude, drawing a line between them would move parallel to the Equator, so it would mainly go east or west. The direction can also slightly vary depending on the specific orientation of the cities on the line of latitude, but it primarily would be east-west.
statement? Why?
it's more of an opinion for you but personally, agree.
it sounds like hes saying that in order to survive as free people we need to be educated if I'm correct, and hes definitely right.