How are structure and function related to adaptation?


Answer 1
Answer: When the structure and function of an organism adjusts to its environment it is adapting.
Answer 2

Final answer:

In biology, structure and function are closely related to adaptation. Adaptation refers to the process by which species evolve certain traits or characteristics to better suit their environment, increasing their chances of survival and reproductive success. Structure and function are interdependent and play a key role in organism survival and success.


In biology, structure and function are closely related to adaptation. Adaptation refers to the process by which species evolve certain traits or characteristics to better suit their environment, increasing their chances of survival and reproductive success. Structure refers to the physical features and organization of different parts of an organism, while function refers to the role or purpose that each part serves.

For example, consider the long neck of a giraffe. The structure of the giraffe's neck allows it to reach high leaves in trees, while the function is to obtain food. This adaptation gives the giraffe an advantage in its environment where trees are the primary source of food.

Another example is the webbed feet of ducks. The structure of webbed feet allows ducks to swim more efficiently, while the function is for swimming and navigating aquatic environments. This adaptation helps ducks survive in their aquatic habitats.

Learn more about structure and function related to adaptation here:


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In organisms during cell division, DNA is present in packaged structure called "chromosomes" with a constriction point called the centromere giving X-shape to the chromosomes. This forms a complete set of chromosome.The number of chromosomes present in the nucleus of the cell is known as ploidy number represented by "n".

Based on the number of chromosomes, cell is usually divided into: Haploid cell and diploid cell.

Haploid cells (n): are the cells with only one complete set or chromosomes like gamete cells while

Diploid cells (2n): are the cells with 2 sets or pair of chromosomes like somatic cells.

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Final answer:

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Learn more about Nitrogen Cycle here:


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the "ing"