Lands generally belong to three categories of owners, these are federal government, state government and private owners. The lands belonging to the federal and the state governments are considered to be public lands and they are always protected; the lands can not be used for any purpose by anybody unless permission is first obtained from the government. Public lands are typically used for construction of social infrastructures that will benefit all.
Unprotected land exists inside federal parks.
Further Explanation:
Federal lands are the portion of the properties which are owned by the citizens of the United States. These lands are possessed by the federal government. The federal lands are managed by three different agencies
1. Bureau of land management
2. United states fish and wildlife service
3. National park service
The maximum federal lands are located in Alaska and Western states. The American citizens own all federal properties , which include national parks, wildlife reserves, and national forests. The American public has the right to excess and enjoys these land areas. American citizens pay a fixed amount as income tax for the preservation and management of public lands. State lands are used to generate revenues by state governments. State lands are not possessed by the American citizens as public lands. The State lands are being sold and managed by state authorities.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about menstrual cycle
2. Learn more about thoracic region
3. Learn more about abiotic factors of the ecosystem
Answer Details:
Grade: High school
Subject: Biology
Chapter: Land management
Americans, national forests, national parks, public land, federal land, land management, income tax, state government, authorities, United States.
the answer is A.RIBOSOMES
The right answer to this question is option C. Protein
First, what is an organic molecule? It's a molecule that contains Carbon in its composition, and by that, we'll jump into the options on the question. The first one is water, but as you can remember, there's no carbon in water's composition, only oxygen and hydrogen, so this is not a good option. The next one is oxygen, there's no carbon here too, so this is not good either. The last one it sodium chloride, and this one has no carbon either, only sodium and chlorine.
The one cell of a unicellular organism must be able to perform all the functions necessary for life. These functions include metabolism, homeostasis and reproduction. Specifically, these single cells must transport materials, obtain and use energy, dispose of wastes, and continuously respond to their environment.