b. Please remember the rules of the forum. You should not spam others as you did.
c. Please remember the rules of the forum. You ...
Jim moderates a forum on the Internet. A member posts a comment that ridicules another member's post. Jim plans to write a brief message to the member about the misbehavior.
Which of these messages best fits the situation?
Please remember the rules of the forum. You should not plagiarize others as you did.
Please remember the rules of the forum. You should not spam others as you did.
Please remember the rules of the forum. You should not flame others as you did.
b. They have a flaw that will ultimately lead to their undoing.
c. They commit terrible crimes to satisfy their ambitions.
d. They are unusually strong and powerful warriors.
Answer: b. They have a flaw that will ultimately lead to their undoing.
The most common characteristic of tragic heroes is the fact that, although excellent in every other way, they have a tragic flaw that will eventually lead to their undoing. This is also known by the term hamartia. Some common examples are Othello's jealousy or Hamlet's indecisiveness.
Select the answer that correctly identifies the meaning of “unprovoked and dastardly”
a. cruel and unusual
b. dangerous and unexpected
c. deadly and continual
d. wicked and for no reason
I believe the answer is d, because a synonym to dastardly is wicked and unprovoked means " not caused by anything done or said" - google.
B. The uninvited guest has blood on his mask and costume.
C. The revelers look like dreams moving from room to room.
D. There are seven chambers, each decorated in a different color.
I believe the answer is C.