Why did liberals and conservatives differ over who should have power?


Answer 1
Answer: They differ over who should power because they each have different views on how things should be done.

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Meanwhile the problem has arisen industrial raw material. Europe's soils will provide a new source of raw materials in the face of limited raw materials has revealed the necessity of obtaining. 19th and the early 20th century, is one of the most effective means of colonialism railways. It is particularly important to the development of railway vehicles colonialism in Asia and Africa. Colonialism in the 19th century has been the Far East with two active areas of Africa. Central and came under the influence of South America United States, this situation in Africa and the Far East as opposed rather than a colonial directly in the form of a special occasion layout expanding the çıkmıştır.dem network paths forward input to the inner land area and they kept the material to the spiritual population

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An illiberal democracy has weak or no limits on the power of the elected representatives to rule as they please. Types of representative democracy include: Electoral democracy – type of representative democracy based on election, on electoral vote, as modern occidental or liberal democracies.HOPE THIS HELPS.

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I’m 1663, which French monarch declared New France a royal colony???A.) king Francis I

B.) king Henry XV

C.) king Louis XIV

D.) king Louis XV


In 1663, king Louis XIV declared New France a royal colony.




look above

Who did not lead voyages of exploration?
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da Gama





  • All share the same history except the John Cabot as he is considered to be one of the explorers and discoverers in 1497 of North America under Henry VII of England and he visited Vinland in the early 11 century.
  • He is also known as Giovanni Caboto in Italy. He like Columbus led the expeditions on the commission and is also known to have found the alternative route to china.
  • All his expeditions were taken under form the Bristol.
it would be dias because every on voyeds around the world