In Egypt, the rule by one family is known as a(n)a. Kingdom


Answer 1
Answer: Egyptian rule was classified by dynasty, so your answer would be (c). For example, Cleopatra reigned during the Ptolemaic dynasty, while King Tut ruled during what is known as the Eighteenth Dynasty. The last dynasty was the Ptolemaic, ending with Cleopatra herself.

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Fourteen Points


What is the one of contribution of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II? A. They flew missions over the US. B. They supported the troops. C. They flew missions over Germany. D. They helped develop the atomic bomb.


"They flew missions over Germany" is the one contribution of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II among the choices given in the question. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "C". I hope the answer has come to your great help.

Give two to three reasons why people should support your proposal.


Final answer:

Support for a voting reform proposal, such as the implementation of ranked-choice voting (RCV), is grounded on its potential to promote democratic values, ensure diverse political representation, and improve campaign civility, despite opposition concerns over complexity and voter confusion.


Supporting a proposal requires a clear understanding of the issue at hand, a strong position, and the ability to address opposition with reasoning and evidence. Taking the example of a voting reform proposal, we might argue for the implementation of ranked-choice voting (RCV). This system allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, which can promote a more democratic and representative outcome.

Argument for Ranked-Choice Voting

One reason to support RCV is that it can reduce the prevalence of negative campaigning, as candidates must appeal not only to their base but also to the second and third preferences of their opponents' supporters. Another reason is the elimination of the 'spoiler effect', where a third-party candidate can change the outcome of an election between two major parties. This encourages a more diverse field of candidates and political perspectives. As for constitutional principles, RCV aligns with the fundamental values of American constitutional democracy by refining the electoral process to better reflect the will of the people.

Addressing the Opposition

Opponents may argue that RCV is complex and could cause voter confusion. However, evidence from jurisdictions that have implemented RCV shows that with proper voter education, people understand and adapt to the system. Moreover, the potential benefits, such as higher voter satisfaction and more civil campaigns, outweigh the initial challenges of transition.


In conclusion, supporting RCV is justified by its alignment with democratic values, encouragement of diverse political representation, and ability to improve the civility of electoral campaigns.

Learn more about Voting Reform Proposal here:


what is your proposel?

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the _____.nationalists


The correct answer is the Bolsheviks!

The Bolsheviks were co-founded by Vladimir Lenin. They came to power in Russia during the October Revolution in 1917- after that the country was renamed and was then called the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic.

What was a negative of the 1933 National Industry Recovery Act?


A negative effect of the 1933 National Industry Revovery Act was: employees spying on employers.

The National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA) was passed during the Great Depression as a way to try to get American businesses back onto solid footing.  But it was an overreach.  It did give employees the right to collective bargaining with employers -- but that was a good thing.  The bad thing was how the  NIRA pushed and sometimes forced industries to operate in government-sanctioned alliances or cartels.  (This was similar to actions that had been taken in Mussolini's fascist Italy.)  Antitrust laws were suspended in this process.  In effect, this meant the government was encouraging industries to set fixed prices, wages, and production levels.  Much of this was enforced by the National Recovery Administration (NRA), created by an executive order from President Roosevelt following the passage of the NIRA.  The Blue Eagle symbol was used as the emblem of the NRA.  Businesses were to have a Blue Eagle sign in their windows saying, “We Do Our Part.” That was meant to show that each business adhered to the set price and production codes.  Citizen committees then engaged in spying on local businesses and report them to authorities if they violated pricing agreements by trying to sell at lower than the set prices.

A Supreme Court case in 1935, A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, ultimately decided that the provisions of the NIRA and the actions of the NRA were unconstitutional.

The biggest negative for the average American following the implementation of NIRA was the infamous section 7(a) of the act, which guaranteed the right the workers' right to organize unions. Although labour unions in of themselves are not inherently bad, the sweeping protections guaranteed by the act lead to a wave of general strikes across the United States as unions felt the government was now on their side in their fight for better wages and working conditions. Because of this, the NIRA actually ironically hurt American industry for a short period of time.
Politically, the NIRA was also a big negative for Franklin D Roosevelt's Democrats as it caused a decline in support for Roosevelt's "New Deal" economic programs which had been a central part of his campaign platform in the 1932 US presidential election.

How did increases in employment levels for women, children, and immigrants contribute to the growth of labor unions in the late 19th century?A. These groups worked for less than native-born men, keeping wages low and leading many men to join unions to raise them.

B. These groups were considered weak and inferior by many male factory owners, allowing them to unionize without appearing threatening.

C. These groups generally worked in industries without large trusts, weakening management and allowing them to organize more easily.

D. These groups were considered especially vulnerable by many Americans, allowing them to become the public faces of early unions.


The use of women, children and immigrant allowed industrialists and factory owners to keep wages low for native born men. This was an important catalyst for the organization of labor unions, Children often worked long hours for low pay. The same was true of women and immigrants.