List two ways in which water enters the atmosphere in the water cycle


Answer 1

The atmosphere is the blanket around the Earth, which regulates the Earth's temperature and protects from harmful rays. The biogeochemical cycles like the water cycle also take place in the atmosphere.

The two ways in which water enters the atmosphere are:

  • Transpiration - It is the process of giving off water droplets into the air by plants. The process involves the conversion of liquid to gas or water vapor when it passes through the stomata or pores of the leaves.

  • Evaporation - It is the process of conversion of liquid into water vapor. It is the primary pathway in which water is incorporated into the water cycle in the gaseous form.

Therefore, the two ways in which water is added to the water cycle are transpiration and evaporation.

To know more about evaporation and transpiration, refer to the following link:

Answer 2
Answer: Water enters the atmosphere through transpiration (from water of plants, giving off water vapor from pores of leaves), and evaporation (heated water changes into water vapor and rises into the atmosphere). 

Remember to search the water cycle online, look at pictures, and do a bit of studying on your own.  This will help you understand the water cycle to the next level.

I hope this helped!  

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2. A woman buys red-flowering and blue-flowering plants of the same species and plants them in her garden. The plant undergoes both self-fertilization and cross-fertilization. The woman collects seeds and plants them the following spring. What can the woman expect to observe in the flowers of the new generation of plants if the gene for flower color is codominant? (1 point)
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gene regulation


5 - Practice: Genetics Practice

1. A. one
2. D. 25% red flowers...
3. B. four genetically different...
4. D. The replication process...
5. B. transcription
7. B. an insertion of three...
8. A. The mutant will not...
9. C. A, B, AB, or O
10. C. engineering...
For question number 1, there is one phenotype only with homozygous allele which are recessive and dominant of both parents. For question number 2, the answer is letter B. plants with both red and blue flowers because it is codominant so the trait will express both alleles. For question number 3, the answer is letter C. four genetically identical cells because it is from two daughter cells which undergo meiosis that results into 4 identical cells that are needed for somatic cells in our body. For question number 4, the answer is the leading strand is copied in the 5’ to 3’ direction and the lagging strand is copied in the 3’ to 5 because it is based in the ends of each nucleotides that is carrying the genes. For question number 5, the answer is gene regulation which is used by cells to increase of decrease specific gene products or RNA.

Unlike T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes


Unlike T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes arise from the bone marrow Bursa of Fabricus (in fowl) and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (Peyer's Patches); they are the major constituents of the humoral immunity or antibody-mediated immune system; they defend against viruses and bacteria that enter the blood and lymph; they are formed by the division of plasma cells; and plasma cells do not have inhibitory effect on the immune system.

Low blood levels of ______ can lead to disturbances in heart rhythm, a leading cause of death among people with eating disorders. potassium sodium chloride glucose


Potassium because it is used as a signaling molecule in the nervous system.

I believe an eating disorder would have to be something along the lines of a meat heavy diet like the Eskimo’s. Scurvy although not the same, has to do with low fruit intake.

Final answer:

Low blood levels of potassium can lead to disturbances in heart rhythm, a leading cause of death among people with eating disorders.


Low blood levels of potassium can lead to disturbances in heart rhythm, a leading cause of death among people with eating disorders. Hyperkalemia, an elevated potassium blood level, can impair the function of skeletal muscles, the nervous system, and the heart. It can result in a partial depolarization (excitation) of the plasma membrane of cardiac cells of the heart, leading to an inability of cells to repolarize. This can cause the heart to seize and stop pumping blood, which is fatal within minutes.

Learn more about potassium here:


Assume that you transform bacteria with a plasmid containing an ampicillin-resistance gene. Instead of directly plating the transformed population as you did in this lab, you set up two liquid cultures of them, one that contains ampicillin and one that does not. You will then assay these cultures on plates at two different times: immediately after you set up the cultures, and then again after the bacteria have been in culture for an extended period. The assays will demonstrate the number of ampicillin-resistant vs. ampicillin-sensitive culture bacteria in each culture at each time. To perform each of the two assays, you prepare serial dilutions of the two cultures and plate them onto LB plates with and without ampicillin (the dilution) is simply to ensure that you will get some plates on which you can distinguish separate colonies).Describe what you expect to observe in the initial assay and in the second assay. What, if any, differences might you expect in terms of the ratios of ampicillin-resistant and nonresistant bacteria?


In the initial assay with ampicillin, there will still be, although in a smaller number, nonresistant bacteria that have survived incubation. After an extended period, ampicillin will kill all nonresistant bacteria and in the second assay, only ampicillin-resistant bacteria will survive.