Answer: The theory of tectonic plates says that the outer shell of the earth is divided into many plates. These plates glide over the mantle. The plates acts as the hard and rigid shell when compared to the earth's mantle. All the continents and sub continents are based on plates, continental drift can result in earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption.
function of endosperm include in dicots like peas and beans food is stored in cotyledons not in endosperm that is why it is absent in dicots
Endosperm developed from the triploid cell (3n) in the embryo sac where the second male gamete fuses with the diploid secondary nucleus to form primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) and a triploid cell which is called as triple fusion
Endospermic cells are mostly triploid but in some plants, they may be diploid (water lily) or polyploid (up to 15n)
In some of the dicots, mature seeds contain food stored in the endosperm, they are called endospermic or albuminous seeds, e.g. castor
In beans, peas, gram seeds, the endosperm is completely absorbed during development and food is stored in two cotyledons. They are called exalbuminous seeds
Endosperm mostly contains starch as a food reserve, but it may contain fats, e.g. castor, Endosperm provide nutrients to seeds during dormancy
Endosperm also contains certain hormones like cytokinins and helps in cell differentiation
For more details endosperm, visit