Republicans generally favor A. a more limited role for government.
B. higher taxes.
C. more government programs.
D. assisting all people in need.


Answer 1
Answer: A. a more limited role for government.

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C. He stayed with the hermit until he died.
D. He went to France to find Sir Lancelot.


The correct answer is A) the other people say that he did not die but will live again.


A. He did not die but will live again.

May I have brainliest please? :)

What was hermia perspective in the midsummer night dream?


Hermia loves Lysander, but Hermia's perspective would be to marry Demetrius for he is her only escape from death and from spending her life in the convent. Though Lysander and Demetrius are equal in all measures, the only difference is that Demetrius has the permission from her father to marry her.

2. Which of the following is an example of helpful feedback that addresses a specific problem?

Your topic is dumb and boring.

Add a transition here so it will be easier to understand.

Your paper was funny. I laughed a lot when I read it.

You should write about something more interesting.


B. Add a transition here so it will be easier to understand. This is the answer.

This is the answer because if you take A. your topic is dumb and boring, this is more of an opinion and does not state helpful feedback or address a specific problem.


The answer is B. Add a transition here so it will be easier to understand.


It makes sense because it addresses a specific problem in the writing. A. Your topic is dumb and boring C. Your paper was funny. i laughed a lot when I read it. and D. You should write about something more interesting are all opinions not specific problems.

There is a sentence in my study guide that says " many of us unconsciously fall back on a whole list of words that say precious little."this doesn't make sense to me I'm on a study guide for word structure And see something like that that,...isnt this an incomplete thought?


No, it's just supposed to make you think. It just means that people should actually think of what they're saying and choose descriptive words. A lot of the time, people use words that have rather simple or ambiguous meanings. For example, if someone says they feel good, that really doesn't tell anyone much of anything. What does it mean to feel good? It could mean you're really happy, or just mean not feeling bad. Instead, you should say exactly how good you feel, and why.

(1) Scientists generally agree that Earth is getting warmer due to what's called the greenhouse effect. (2) A greenhouse stays warm because sunlight and heat coming through the glass roof are mostly trapped. (3) The heat doesn't radiate back into the atmosphere because it's held in by the glass. (4) Something like that happens on Earth. (5) The atmosphere acts like a blanket that keeps the Sun's heat from leaking away into space. Which sentence is the paragraph's topic sentence? A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 5 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 2


The phrase 'topic sentence' means the sentence that best covers the main idea being presented. In the context of the illustration here sentence 1 best encapsulates the subject and should be regarded as the "Topic Sentence". This is the sentence that reads "Scientists generally agree that Earth is getting warmer due to what's called the greenhouse effect."

Compare and contrast metaphors and similes and their purposes


We can see here that metaphors and similes are both figures of speech used to make comparisons between two seemingly unrelated things. They enhance the meaning and imagery of a sentence or phrase by creating vivid and imaginative associations. While they share similarities, they differ in how they make comparisons and the level of directness in their language.

What is metaphor and simile?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two things without using "like" or "as." It states that one thing is another, often suggesting a deeper similarity or shared characteristic between the two entities. Metaphors create a sense of identification between the two elements being compared.

A simile is a figure of speech that also makes a comparison between two things, but it does so using "like" or "as" to draw parallels between the two. Similes create a more explicit and straightforward comparison than metaphors.

Learn more about metaphor on



Both similes and metaphors are literary techniques used to compare two different things; however, they do so differently. A simile is a comparison that uses "like" or "as" in the comparison. A metaphor is a comparison that says something is something else.


have a great day peeps :)

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