Which of the following is considered to be the center of town life in spanish-speaking countries?


Answer 1
Answer: The central point of focus in most Spanish-speaking towns would be an open area idenified as "El Plaza". The Plaza is often used for big events in town that will bring the entire community together on special days.

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Part 4 Instructions: Please follow the directions for each question accordingly. 11. Write one sentence in Spanish using a conjugated verb form of “tener” (to have) in the present tense.12. Write one sentence in Spanish using a conjugated verb form of “poner” (to put; place) in the present tense.13. Write one question in Spanish using a conjugated verb form of “venir” (to come) in the present tense.14. Write one question in Spanish using a conjugated verb form of “conocer” (to know) in the present tense.15. Write one sentence in Spanish using a conjugated verb form of “saber” (to know) in the present tense.16. Translate the following sentence into English: “Por favor, lleve mi saco.”17. Translate the following sentence into English: “Abra la puerta.”18. Translate the following question into Spanish: “Where was the cat?”19. Translate the following sentence into Spanish: “The children were eating chicken with rice.”20. Answer this question in Spanish: “¿Qué te gusta hacer el fin de semana?”
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Not part of the castles or walls of Cuba. a. El Morro c. The piramid b. the Cabin d. The Catillo de la Real Fuerza


Answer is C. the piramid

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“ha sido in minuto” I hope this helped you!
its been a minute = ha sido un minuto

What is the word after Hola, me llamo Aurora y



Translated: Hello, My name is Aurora and.


Hope this helps

Hi,my name is Auroura and



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1. ?Te acuerdas cuando salimos la primera vez?
2. ?Qué quieres pedir?
3. ?Sabe a picante?
4. ?Qué cosas te gusta hacer?




1. Ana: ¿Te acuerdas de aquella primera ocasión que platicamos?

2. Frank: ¿Que me recomiendas pedir?

3. Frank: ¿Sabes cómo es el estilo italiano?

4. Frank: ¡Que bueno! Y oye, ¿Qué haces normalmente después de comer los fines de semana?
