Which monarch ruled England when settlers arrived in Jamestown and Plymouth?


Answer 1
Answer: James the first (James I)
Answer 2
Answer: Answer is King James I  

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His most renown invention was the regenerative furnace which was gas powered. 
Judging from this I believe the answer is 
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Need some help please XD: Compare and contrast Taft's dollar diplomacy vs Wilson's moral diplomacy.


~ AP U.S. History


Roosevelt's Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine that declared the United States could intervene, or use military force to keep peace, in Latin American countries when necessary. Dollar Diplomacy focused on business. Taft believed the United States should invest in other countries to countries. Taft used millions of dollars to help unstable Latin America.

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What happened to the former colonial possessions of europe?


Before the War of American revolution, 13 British colonies were the dominate power in the North America.

After the British left, these 13 colonies became the independent United States of America.

Other territories such as Louisiana was control by the French Empire. The United States government was able to buy it and turn it into a US state.

Spanish controlled territory in North America eventually became the independent country of Mexico, while the northern most territory on the continent became Canada.

The English colonies became the United States. America later bought the Louisiana territory from France and the rest of their territory became Canada. Spanish territory became Mexico .

Who formed the militant Women’s Social and Political Union in Britain in 1903?a. Queen Victoria
b. Queen Elizabeth
c. Émile Zola
d. Emmeline Pankhurst


     Emmeline Pankhurst(along with her 3 daughters) helped found the Womens social and political Union. Hope this helps!

This U.S. government agency decided to overthrow Fidel Castro in the early 1960s.FBI


The CIA did I believe.
Your answer is the CIA.

Hope this helps.