The idea that the law should apply to everyone equally is called what?


Answer 1
Answer: The idea that the law should apply to everyone equally is called "blind justice" or sometimes the "impartiality of the law", since nobody should be treated different by the law based on their color, creed, religion, etc.

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Encouraged support for ideals like freedom of religion and criticized institutions like slavery.


The enlightenment era began in the 17th century in Europe, which was influenced by philosophers like John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau who emphasis in the reason and individualism. Enlightenment ideas questioned the authority and adopted the notion to improve through changes in society. The philosophical ideas gave birth to the revolutions like the French and American Revolution.

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Anti-Federalists argued that ?


Anti-Federalists argued that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, while taking too much power away from state and local governments. Many felt that the federal government would be too far removed to represent the average citizen.

Final answer:

Anti-Federalists argued against the constitution, fearing that it would concentrate too much power at the national level, potentially threatening individual freedoms and state rights. Their push resulted in the adoption of the Bill of Rights.


The Anti-Federalists primarily argued for the protection of individual rights and advocated for localized government. They were concerned that the Federal constitution, by concentrating power at the national level, would threaten individual freedoms and the rights of the states. They believed that the Constitution's lack of a Bill of Rights was a critical flaw that could lead to a central government with unchecked power. To address these issues, the Anti-Federalists pushed for the adoption of the Bill of Rights, which helped to establish the fundamental rights and liberties of U.S. citizens.

Learn more about Anti-Federalists here:


In the late 1800s, political machines remained in power mostly by trading money and favors for


In the late 1800s, political machines remained in power mostly by trading money and favors for votes. As more and more immigrants entered Americans cities, the political machines began to provide them with food, clothing, and shelter in exchange for loyal devotion at the ballot box. These immigrants rarely spoke English fluently and struggled to survive, therefore many readily took up the offers of these urban political machines.

Answer: votes

Explanation: I’m taking the quiz

Identify the location that Hinduism and Buddhism spread to during Ancient Indian Civilization.


In general, the location that Hinduism and Buddhism spread to during Ancient Indian Civilization was in the East, specifically in the region of China. 

About the beginning of the Common Era, Hinduism and Buddhism spread from India to the civilizations of Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan. Maybe due to the Brahmans and Buddhist monks who worked with the Indian merchants which settled in these areas.  

Such religions exerted an enormous influence on the civilizations of Southeast Asia and contributed greatly to the development of a written tradition in that area.

In what decade did the following international events occur? the fall of Communism and end of the Cold War 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s





The lack of democracy, economic backwardness and crisis in the Soviet republics eventually accelerated the crisis of socialism/communism in the late 1980s. In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and the two Germanies were reunified.

In the early 1990s, then-President of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev, began to accelerate the end of socialism with economic reforms, agreements with the US and political changes.

is when communism fell