10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!Most people have wondered about the differences between horses and zebras. To understand the difference, you must first understand exactly what a horse is. The horse is a hoofed, plant-eating mammal of the family Equidae. This family includes domestic horses, wild horses, and zebras. All are swift, plains-dwelling herd animals who eat coarse grass.
Horses, as we know them, evolved in North America and spread over the world. They were hunted by early humans and put to work by Asian nomads. Until the mid-20th century, horses were widely used for warfare, agriculture, and transportation. Today, most horses are used for farming purposes. Few modern horses roam wild.
On the other hand, most zebras live in open plains or brush country. Mountain zebras like rocky hillsides. Zebra herds on the Serengeti of East Africa can be as large as 200,000 zebras. All travel in family groups led by a stallion. The plains zebras usually mix with other grazing animals, such as wildebeest and antelopes.
You would have to look at the DNA of horses and zebras to understand their physical differences. Zebras and horses have very similar bodies except for their skins!
The section above uses its text structure

A.to illustrate that zebras are wild animals and are foreign to North America.
B.to show that a horse is much weaker physically compared to a zebra.
C.to explain the differences and similarities between a horse and a zebra.
D.to show that horses are animals that are only unique to North America.


Answer 1
Answer: C.to explain the differences and similarities between a horse and a zebra. In the first sentence is even says "Most people have wondered about the differences between horses and zebras." Introductory sentences usually hint at what the passage will be about. And throughout the paragraph the two are compared.
Answer 2


the answer to this question is i believe c


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Betty is Parris's daughter & Abigail is his niece. Parris is the minister in Salem.

Hope this helps :)

The earliest human legal systems were almost completely forms of lex talionis. That means "the law of revenge." The lex talionis is a law of equal and direct revenge. It is what it says in Hebrew scriptures: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life." The best example of this law was Hammurabi's Code. Hammurabi was a Babylonian king. He created a series of 282 laws. Those laws were based entirely on the principle of revenge. Under this code, a person found guilty of murder was immediately stoned to death or drowned in a river. A person who assaulted another person was to have his or her hands cut off. Which statement is the best summary of this paragraph?

A.Hammurabi was a Babylonian king. He created 282 laws based on revenge. One law said a person that beat up another person had to have his or her hands cut off.

B.Hebrew scriptures say, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life." This means the punishment should fit the crime. It is law based on revenge.

C.If a person was guilty of murder, Hammurabi's code said that he or she had to be killed by stoning or drowning. Hammurabi was the king of Babylon many years ago.

D.Lex talionis is the idea of law based on revenge. Hammurabi's Code is an example of this. The code was made up of 282 laws based on the idea of revenge.


The correct answer is D. This is the correct answer because it correctly summarizes without delving into details what the main points of the paragraph are, and all of the mentioned sentences are truthful as well.