A tributary is a river that


Answer 1
Answer: A tributary is a river that ends at the place where it
runs into another river, and feeds the bigger one.
Answer 2
Answer: A river that merges with a bigger one

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How would retaining extra cytoplasm enhance survival of a developing oocyte?


Answer:  An extra cytoplasm enhance survival of a developing oocyte in such a way because cytoplasm serves as a reservoir of lipids, polysaccharide and lipids for the developing embryo.The more the cytoplasm content, more will be the nutrients for the developing embryo. The cytoplasm forms the yolk and provides nourishment to the developing embryo. As we know that the developing embryo requires more nutrition and the main source of nutrition is cytoplasm because the sperm has no reservoir of its own to provide nutrition to embryo.

Thus, an extra cytoplasm enhance the rate of survival of a developing oocyte.

Final answer:

Extra cytoplasm in a developing oocyte supports survival by providing necessary nutrients from fertilization to implantation, and energy for cell divisions transforming a zygote into an embryo. It also contains the mechanism preventing polyspermy, thereby ensuring successful fertilization and further development.


Retaining extra cytoplasm in a developing oocyte boosts its survival chances by supplying the zygote, formed post-fertilization, with essential nutrients needed during the period up to implantation into the uterus. This is crucial as the sperm solely contributes DNA and not cytoplasm at fertilization. Accordingly, the cytoplasm and all of the cytoplasmic organelles in the developing embryo, including mitochondria, are maternally sourced. Mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited and critical for tracing biological lineage.

Upon fertilization, the larger amount of cytoplasm also provides energy and raw materials for the rapid cell divisions that take place in the zygote during its journey to the uterus. This process transforms the zygote from a single cell into a tightly packed sphere of cells referred to as a morula which consequently evolves into a blastocyst. The blastocyst implants in the uterine wall and further develops into an embryo.

Furthermore, the oocyte's cytoplasm possesses a mechanism to prevent polyspermy, the penetration of more than one sperm. Polyspermy leads to a triploid organism with three sets of chromosomes which is incompatible with life. Therefore, the cytoplasm plays a crucial role in ensuring successful fertilization and development of the embryo, making enhancing cytoplasmic retention essential for the survival of the developing oocyte.

Learn more about Extra Cytoplasm in Oocyte here:



How does blood cells size compare to E. coli bacteria


E Coli bacterium are about 2.0 micrometers in length and .25 to 1 micrometer in diameter. In comparison, a red blood cell is about 6 to 8 micrometers in diameter and a thickness that ranges from .8 to 1 micrometer in the center to 2 to 2.5 micrometers at the thickest point.

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Robert Hooke used a compound microscope to look at thin slices of cork.

Select all that apply. Meiosis is associated with the _____. diploid number of chromosomes haploid number of chromosomes autosome cells gamete cells



The answer is Diploid number of Chromosomes, Haploid number of Chromosomes and Gamete Cells.


Meiosis is one of the forms of cell reproduction, this process is performed in the gonads for the production of gametes (haploid sex cells). Meiosis is a process of cell division in which a diploid cell (cells that have a double number of chromosomes) experiences two successive divisions, with the ability to generate four haploid cells.

haploid number of chromosomes in gamete cells

A population of rabbits lives in a forest. The habitat features many small spaces for hiding. Over many generations, the average size of the rabbits gets smaller and smaller. What type of selection is this?


Answer: Directional Selection.


This process can be defined as the positive selection in which one phenotype is selected over the other phenotype, causing the allele frequency to shift towards the other phenotype.

The allele favored by directional selection is advantageous. There is a increase in the rate of reproduction and chances of survival.

Here, the population of rabbits are decreasing in size over a period of time because they adapted the burrows to live in. Gradually small size of the rabbits were favored.

This is an example of directional selection.

Why would too much salt intake cause someone to develop high blood pressure?A) Salt in the bloodstream causes fluids to enter the blood from surrounding cells, due to osmosis.
B) Salt in the bloodstream causes fluids in the blood to leave and go to surrounding cells, due to osmosis.
C) People that take in too much salt will drink more water to balance out the salt, which raises blood pressure.
D) Extra salt solidifies in the bloodstream and blocks the blood vessels, causing them to narrow, and blood pressure to go up.


The right answer is A) Salt in the bloodstream causes fluids to enter the blood from surrounding cells, due to osmosis.

The circulatory system of the body is a highly flexible vascular system, which has the ability to open and distend new capillaries and veins in order to cope with an increase in fluid volume.

The term "Higher blood pressure" implies that an excess of salt leads to the retention of additional fluid within the arterial circulatory system, which would cause an increase in blood volume and add pressure to the walls. arteries.

High blood pressure is developed when someone takes excess of salt as salt in the bloodstream causes fluids to enter the blood from surroundings due to osmosis.

Further Explanation:

Osmosis is the process of movement of concentrations through a semi permeable membrane from lower concentration to higher concentration. When salt enters the blood stream, water draws out of all the cells through osmosis.

Diffusion is the process of movement of concentrations from an area of high concentration to low concentration. Diffusion is important process for living things as the gaseous and liquid substances move in and out of the cell.

Intake of high amount of salt is toxic to humans as it can cause risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, etc. Excess of intake of salt can cause a disease to bones known as osteoporosis.

High amount of salt intake draws water out of cell through osmosis due to which blood volume swells, adds pressure to blood vessels. Due to this, cell shrinks and DNA or proteins are damaged.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about concentration of molecules during diffusion brainly.com/question/1386629
  2. Learn more about increased blood flow have on the body when performing exercises brainly.com/question/919984
  3. Learn more about aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration have in common brainly.com/question/1544781

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Cells and osmosis


Blood pressure, blood stream, osmosis, concentration, semi permeable membrane, diffusion, cells, stroke, heart attack, osteoporosis, DNA, proteins.