A moving ball primarily has kinetic energy (motion).
Elastic energy comes into effect if the ball is compressed or stretched, like in the case of a bouncing ball.
Theoretical problems usually have perfect pr controlled conditions, but a moving ball in real life would be compressed or changing with its contact with the ground.
If you want more help or could provide more context, feel free to ask.
If this is a question on a test or quiz and its asking what type of energy a 'moving' ball has, generally they want you to think about what causes the movement (in this case, kinetic), because there is always a lot of other energy being transferred and happening at the same time (i.e., thermal, sound).
Q = I t = 5.00E-8 C/s * 5.0 s = 2.5E-7 C total charge due to 50 μC for 5 sec
6.242E18 electrons / C * 2.5E-7 C = 1.6E12 electrons
sun centered
Continental Tropical
Stimulants are a group of drugs that result in increased activity in the body. Sometimes referred to as “uppers,” these drugs are frequently abused due to their performance-enhancing and euphoric effects. Generally, those who abuse stimulants experience heightened energy levels and enhanced focus.
Stimulants speed up mental and physical processes, which can produce desirable effects in the short-term by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. While users may feel great due to the short-term effects of stimulants, long-term abuse of these drugs can have significant consequences, which is why it is so important for those who abuse the drugs to get help as quickly as possible.
hope this works
B. your vector
C. your position
D. your displacement
The correct answer is actually C. your position