In "orphans give Indian couple will to live," the paramesvarans refuse to accept more children into their home becauseA the government will not allow it
B they believe the other children's parents are still alive
C they want to make sure they have enough resources to care for the ones there now
D they are from a neighboring village which has a long standing dispute with their villages


Answer 1
Answer: I believe you refer to the article in Washington Times from December 30, 2005.

I this article, we find this quote

“I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. If I take more childreninto this home, I shall not be able to provide them as much support as Iwant,” said Mr. Paramesvaran.

I interpret this to mean that C. they want to make sure they have enough resources to care for the ones there now
Answer 2




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Finished the test and i was right the anwser is: (Somebody Dropped THEIR mittins here) GL on the test

Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that it is important to be open-minded during hard times? "In the United States, these cycles always end and the economy recovers, but it can take a while." "However, if the programmer is good with his or her hands, he or she may be able to find work in construction." "At the store where the installer used to work, the store would have made most of the money." "Lawns never stop growing, and many aspects of life do not stop just because the economy has slowed down."


"Lawns never stop growing, and many aspects of life do not stop just because the economy slows down" it is basically saying that you should still be open minded and go on with your life instead of worrying about the economy slowing down

Answer:"However, if the programmer is good with his or her hands, he or she may be able to find work in construction."


Which excerpt from The Crisis, Number I contains a simile?


“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered’.  

Further Explanation:

Thomas Paine published Common sense in January 1776 and that was written in order to support a Patriot cause. During that period of time, the American colonies were in open Rebellion against Britain and their soldiers were fighting for independence. This came in as a hard jolt to move Americans from the professed loyalty to declared rebellion and that came in from a large part from Common Sense by Thomas Paine.  

Section 1 of Common Sense tells about the English government you worship? It says that the English government is a Sham and people may need the government to protect them from its flawed nature but it should be not be seen as that government is trying to suffocate its people under brute tyranny. The theme of Common sense tells that readers must clear their minds in regards to the long-held nations and they need to apply common sense and adopt the cause of America as the “Cause of all mankind” and how people will respond to the tyranny today will matter for all the time.  

Learn More:

1. According to the Supreme Court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in   Edwards v. South Carolina?

2. What happens when the quantity of a good supplied at a given price is greater than the quantity demanded?

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Thomas Paine “Common Sense”

Subject: English


Thomas Paine, Common Sense, Tyranny, Government, American Colonies, Rebellion, Government, Britain, Government, Nations.  

 this is the answer"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered."

Do you think guns should be illegal in the United States and why?
Give two reasons why.


No, guns should be legal in the United States.

Banning guns doesn't work. Hitler banned guns, Zedong banned guns, and guess what? They killed millions and millions of people after they banned them. How are WE suppose to stand up for ourselves if guns are banned? Most people feel safe with a gun. Guns are not the problem, it's the person using them the incorrect way. The best thing to do nowadays is to teach everybody to use a gun the CORRECT WAY. Not to shoot humans, dogs/cats. 

Banning guns will not stop crimes, or stop people from hurting each other. There are knives, swords, etc. 
I think that banning guns would make the US safer because then the criminals would have to turn them in and the gangsters would have nothing to shoot each other with. I also think that there should be security cameras and full body scanners everywhere in public places to prevent mass shootings. I think that only the police and the president and the secret service should be allowed to have guns because they work for the government and the government would never abuse it's power.

In the second to last paragraph, the author remarks, "Dull, yes, but freeing, too." Which of the following statements best captures the idea behind this quote?a
"carrying my own skis meant getting a job, paying off my student loans, and working hard"
"If I did those things, then I could enjoy the other areas of my life."
"I have to do more balancing and let go of the commitments that I'd probably drop anyway."
None of the above



b  "If I did those things, then I could enjoy the other areas of my life."


Liam Dolan's essay "Carry Your Own Skis" is a short narrative about how she learned to mind her own business and take care of her needs alone, independently. The phrase "carry your own skis" may have been used by her mother to teach them about being independent in their need to enjoy skiing in the literal sense, but at the same time, it also metaphorically suggest the importance of being independent and able to stand up on one's own feet without depending on others.

In her remark "Dull, yes, but freeing, too", she said this after talking about her various responsibilities and how she did them all by herself. And the remark that "the other areas of my life" are "dull" but "freeing" best captures the idea behind this quote. She meant to say that after all things are done, she has time for other things in life which may be dull but the very essence of doing things independently gave her a feeling of achievement, of being free with no obligations to anyone.  

Thus, the correct answer is option b.  

What does the phrase “as they turn from Praise” in line 8 mean?a. As people are embarrassed by praise
b. As people do things without needing praise
c. As people usually do in spite of themselves
d. As people rarely do


a. As people are embarrassed by praise This is the correct option.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 - 1861) wrote this poem "How Do I Love Thee?" to show her unconditional love to the poet Robert Browning. The title of the poem is a question and the answer is given through the poem. So, she loves him purely and she tells him he should not get embarrassed by her love: "...I love thee freely, as men strive for right // I love thee purely, as they turn from praise..." Her love is genuine and she does not want anything in return.

These options are not right:

b. As people do things without needing praise (  Praise is a feeling not a need. In the poem, praise is related to getting too much attention).

c. As people usually do in spite of themselves ( People do not feel praise involuntarily. Something happens and this makes them feel praise).

d. As people rarely do ( The focus is not set on any frequent event , but on the loved one's feelings of embarrassment).

The correct answer would be 'b'