Identify three herbivores and carnivores from finding nemo


Answer 1
Answer: Okay, so herbivores are animals that feed on plants, so in Finding Nemo, those would be Bubbles (a yellow tang), the turtles, and Dory (a blue tang). On the other hand, carnivores are all animals that eat meat in order to survive, so in this cartoon, those animals would be primarily the sharks: Chum (a maiko shark), Bruce (a great white shark), and Anchor (a hammerhead shark).

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e. can produce genetic diverisity that may enhance survival of a population in a changing environment.


Genetic diversity is the amount of variation present in the genetic characteristics of an individual. It is basis for selection.

Random mating among individual which is done through sexual reproduction allows for variation in the population and diversity. Genetic diversity ensures continuity and adaptation of individual to adverse environmental condition, it is the basic for evolution.

Genetic diversity is also caused by various recombination, mutations and crossing over effect of homologous Chromosome.

Genetic diversity aids selection for improvement of various character.

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c. 4 grams
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The correct answer is a. 450 grams

A card and a framed picture cannot cost 450 kilograms or even 40 kilograms. A card itself might weight 4 grams, but combined with a frame picture it is definitely approximately 450 grams of a package.

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the actual answer is

Chemically in the DNA

im 100% sure


Chemically in The DNA


What is the definition of erosion?


Erosion refers to the process of wearing away or removal of material from the Earth's surface, primarily through the action of natural agents such as water, wind, ice, or gravity. It involves the transportation and deposition of sediment and soil from one location to another.

Erosion occurs when the forces of these agents exceed the resistance of the surface materials, leading to the gradual or rapid removal of soil, rocks, or other geological features. The eroded materials are then transported and may be deposited in different areas, contributing to the reshaping of landscapes over time.

Erosion can have both natural and human-induced causes. Natural erosion processes, such as water erosion caused by rivers or wind erosion in arid regions, are part of the Earth's natural geological cycle. However, human activities, such as deforestation, overgrazing, construction, and improper land management practices, can accelerate erosion rates and cause significant environmental damage.

Overall, erosion plays a crucial role in shaping the Earth's surface, creating landforms like valleys, canyons, deltas, and beaches. Understanding erosion processes is essential for managing and conserving natural resources and mitigating the negative impacts of erosion on ecosystems and human activities.

Learn more about Erosion, here:


Answer: Hiya!

The definition of erosion is "the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents."


Erosion is a process where natural forces like water, wind, ice, and gravity transport rocks and soil.

Hopefully this helps you

- Matthew :)

The human body contains many different types of glands; glands that secrete digestive enzymes, mucus, and sweat. These secretions are modified, sorted, and packaged for later release from gland cells.What cellular organelle is responsible for modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids?
A) ribosomes
B) Golgi bodies
C) mitochondria
D) endoplasmic reticulum



The correct answer would be B) Golgi bodies

Golgi body is a cell organelle made up of vesicles and folded membranes.

It is mainly associated with the storage, modification, and packaging of macromolecules such as proteins and fats.

Macromolecules with the help of vesicles are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to cis-Golgi bodies.  

They are then modified in the folded membranes of the Golgi.

Post-modification they are transported to the different parts of the cell with the help of vesicles.

Golgi bodies are responsible for modifying, sorting and packaging proteins and lipids.