Answer: C-
Ask questions to help you determine their competence
The Southern states opposed emancipation and held large number of slaves.
B. State
C. Theocracy
D. Empire
Answer: state
During Hugo Chavez administration between several different other programs, a movement to abolish huge "unproductive" private estates was establish. If you were part of the large landholders, during this period, your farm would be considered "illegal", and ordered to be given to families who need land to grow food. I do not think you would feel good about the idea of being under an authoritarian, with several cases of the usage of the military in land takeovers, and aleatory rule about the size and the usage of your land.
This land reform and redistribution program was called Mission Zamora and had specifications such as a legal limit on the extent of landholdings, a tax on unused land holdings including a program for distribution of government and expropriated unused private lands.
Like many farmers and laborers, I likely would support the changes that Chávez brought about because they helped Venezuela’s poor. As president, Chávez introduced education, healthcare, and labor initiatives to improve the quality of life for the lower classes of Venezuela.
The first narrator argues that taxes should not be seen as a burden but rather as something that society needs to function and provide necessary public services. They believe that everyone should contribute their fair share according to their income. The second narrator argues that taxes are oppressive and that the government has become too dependent on them, leading to inefficient use of resources. They propose a lower flat tax to encourage economic growth and personal responsibility. The third narrator believes that taxes are necessary but that the current system is flawed and unfair, giving loopholes and advantages to the wealthy. They propose a simplified and more progressive tax system to create a more just society.