The output of the above code will be '3 3 4 4 5 5'
Line 1: Declares a class Test
Line 2: Declares the main method of the program which is the entry point of the program
Line 3: Declares an array of Integers
Line 4: Starts the for loop, with the initial value of i as 1 and the end value being blank, i.e. it will keep on iterating for ever.
Line 5: Assigns the value of i-1 to the value at the index i of the array list
Line 6: Declares another for loop to print the array values
Line 7: Starts the for loop, with the initial value of i as 0 and the end value being blank, i.e. it will keep on iterating for ever.
Line 8: prints the value of list[i]
Line 9. Closes the for loop
The output of this program will be the value of list[i] which is '3 3 4 4 5 5' which is the final value of the array after the inner loop terminates.
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The answer is "Anhydrous ethyl alcohol".
To clean photostimulable phosphor plates we use "Anhydrous ethyl alcohol". It is a chemical, that is an additive to automotive petroleum. It is a mixture of gasohol, ethanol is a synthesis of other organic chemicals.