In the prewriting stage of the writing process, the first step is typically brainstorming. Brainstorming provides a writer with a variety of ideas for their work and helps to structure the following stages of the writing process.
The first step in the prewriting stage of the writing process is typically brainstorming. During brainstorming, the writer generates ideas for their writing project. This can be done in several ways such as creating a mind map, listing, freewriting, clustering, and questioning. This stage lays the groundwork for the following stages of the writing process and helps to organize thoughts and plot the direction of the content.
The main clause in the sentence The clams, which he ate, were still fresh is The clams were still fresh.
The subordinate clause, that is which he ate, is used as an adjective, since it comes after the noun and motifies it. This type of clauses are usually introduced by words like that, when, where, which, etc. and separated by commas whenever it is a non-defining clause.
The Mesoderm is the layer of tissue that forms during gastrulation and becomes the animal's organs
B: Guenevere knows Lancelot and is likely to disapprove.
B) Mark wanted blueberry pie and vanilla ice cream.
C) As I expected, she showed up late.
D) Sue gave Jim a new racket, and he left for the tennis courts.