Which questions should you ask after implementing your solution to determine whether you made the right choice? Write two questions you should ask while reflecting on your solution.


Answer 1
Answer: I agree with your answers:
1. Did the solution work? - When you are doing an experiment, or each time you are trying to solve something, obviously you want to reach the correct answer and finish what you've started properly. If your solution didn't work, it means it was the wrong solution and you have to start all over again and reach a better solution.

2. What went right or wrong? - If your solution was good, you would still want to understand what it was you did that resulted in a proper solution. On the other hand, you want to understand what went wrong and why you got the wrong answer/solution so that you can recreate the experiment and change the wrong variable so as to reach the correct solution.
Answer 2

The two questions you should ask while reflecting on your solution:

  • Did the solution work?
  • What went right or wrong?

How do these questions reflect on your solution?

It goes without saying that you want to arrive at the right conclusion and complete what you've begun while conducting an experiment or whenever you're attempting to solve a problem. If your proposed solution didn't work, it was the incorrect one, and you must start over and come up with a better one.

Even if your solution was sound, you would still want to know how you went about coming up with it. On the other side, you need to know what went wrong and why you arrived at the incorrect answer or solution so that you may repeat the experiment and adjust the incorrect variable to get at the right answer.

Learn more about the solution, here:



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Final answer:

Multiple ethical principles are involved in the case, including being truthful and honest, acting with integrity, and demonstrating respect.


In this case, multiple ethical principles are involved. The first principle is being truthful and honest, as Margeaux wants to hide the fact that the quiche contains lard from Madhukar, even though it may be important to him as a Hindu. The second principle is acting with integrity, which involves being consistent in our actions and adhering to moral principles. In this case, Margeaux's action of hiding the truth may be seen as lacking integrity. And finally, the fourth principle of demonstrating respect is relevant, as it involves considering and valuing the beliefs and values of others.

Learn more about Ethical Principles here:



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  The civil service system is known as the main backbone of the various government officials and the employees in the government department are basically select according to the merit system policies and by using this system the promotion process of the employees is also take place.

 The merit system is the one of the process in which the employees in the government department are hired on the their capabilities or abilities. Therefore, By this way the merit system and the civil service system are get connected with each other.

The civil service system determines how much a job is worth. Each job is graded by its demands and the knowledge required in performing the functions of the job.

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Hello, I've uploaded the photo with the answer to your question here: https://t.ly/FGxVc

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Media play an important role in a democratic country such as South Africa. Its purpose is to create a mass media system in the country so the people of the country will be informed and empowered. Media also helps enhance the democratic values such as freedom to information. 

The difference between electronic and print media is electronic is costly compare to the printed media but is more faster and convenient.