Oligarchy is the rule of the few in a generic way where on the other hand aristocracy is a form of governing where administration or power is in the hands of a special class of people. Aristocrats are connected to royal families through blood, whereas an Oligarchy is not.
Oligarchy is the rule of the few in a generic way where on the other hand aristocracy is a form of governing where administration or power is in the hands of a special class of people. Aristocrats are connected to royal families through blood, whereas an Oligarchy is not.
First of all, yay, second kpop stan that I've encountered. Hello, we both have taste.
1. I think that it's Jesus' resurrection. Everyone is bowing down and praying to him, because he is the messiah.
2. Everyone holding up the piece of land that he (Jesus) is floating upon. The bright light also signifies God in a way.
BTW, I'm not religious, so this could be wrong.