An altimeter calculates _____.altitude above sea level and can also be used to anticipate weather change
how much daylight is left


Answer 1
Answer: An altimeter calculates altitude above sea level. The exact definition of an altimeter is "an instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level." However, it is related to the measurement of depth under water, but can be used in airborne activities, such as skydiving and for aircrafts, as well as for ground-based activities such as hiking and for measurements used in a satellite.

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Ifthe word efflorescence means "a blossoming forth”, then the ‘escence’ meansletter c: state of beginning. It is like the fundamental source of everythingbeautiful that is yet to grow. A default of a thing coming for beauty. Efflorescenceis something that came from something that we do not know yet if it isbeautiful or not when it grows. But in the right time, everything about it willunravel, slowly but surely, like a flower, from being just a bud (escence) tobecoming a flower with healthy petals (efflorescence). Ifthe word efflorescence means "a blossoming forth”, then the ‘escence’ meansletter c: state of beginning. It is like the fundamental source of everythingbeautiful that is yet to grow. A default of a thing coming for beauty. Efflorescenceis something that came from something that we do not know yet if it isbeautiful or not when it grows. But in the right time, everything about it willunravel, slowly but surely, like a flower, from being just a bud (escence) tobecoming a flower with healthy petals (efflorescence). 

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Answer: none of the following have been provided, thus rendering your question unanswerable.

Explanation: SERIOUSLY? Try harder!

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the correct answer is him.
   hope it helped