if you are planning to carry a large balance on your credit card which of the following credit-card future should you look for
If you are planning to carry a large balance on your credit card, you should look for the one with a lot of credit card rewards or the one with low interest rates. Since you gonna pay a pretty big amount of interest rates anyway, might as well get some rewards over it
How does height above sea level affect climate?
It effects the climate because above sea level there's less oxygen,more colder,and if your up there,you'll get puffy because there's lots of water going inside the cells,the smallest living organ.Hope I got it right.If I did,your welcome.
There is less air at higher altitudes. Because air traps heat, there is thus less heat. This is why people who climb high mountains need both warm clothing and oxygen tanks.
Storm surges, floods, and high winds can cause severe damages during __________.a. earthquakes b. hurricanes c. tornadoes d. blizzards
Im pretty sure the answer is B. hurricanes
b. hurricanes can cause such damage
Hurricanes are classified according to intensity using the _____.
Hurricanes are evaluated on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating in view of a storm's supported wind speed. This scale gauges potential property harm. Typhoons achieving Category 3 and higher are viewed as real tropical storms due to their potential for noteworthy death toll and harm.
Saffir - Simpson scale is the answer! 100% sure!
What type of rock is made up of ancient coral? a) Granite b) Basalt c) Limestone d) Sandstone
Answer: The rock that is made up of ancient coral is limestone
__________________ refers to the average increase in the Earth's temperature, which causes changes in climate.a. Climate Change b. The Ozone Melt c. Global warming d. The Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse affect is the reason for the increase in average temperature and the green house affect is contributing to global warming