Which explanation of the solar system best fits the observations of the planets and how they orbit the sun? (Points : 3)       The gravity of a large, massive star passing the sun ripped off blobs of material from it that formed the planets.The planets formed at the center of a collapsing spinning cloud of gas and dust.
       The sun and planets formed from a collapsing spinning cloud of gas and dust.
       A comet hit the sun and sent off fragments that became the planets.


Answer 1
Answer: From those choices, the best is the third one. it relates to why the sun and almost everything else in the solar system spins in the same direction, and also why the abundance of various elements in the planets is so different from what it is in the sun.

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What happens in a chemical reaction?


When two or more molecules interact and the molecules change. Bonds between atoms are broken down and created to form new molecules.
 As the chemical bonds are broken, the positions of electrons change, resulting in a product with properties that are different from the properties of the reactants. Various temperatures and catalysts are needed for different chemical reactions to occur. During a chemical reaction, new substances are produced as existing bonds are broken, atoms are rearranged, and new bonds are formed.

When a marble is at rest what happened


The marble will stay in place until another force pushes it

Answer: the marble will remain in place at a constant velocity of zero


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What is the currency for performing work and what is its unit?


The currency for performing work is called : Energy

And Energy's unit of measurement is : Joule

The amount of energy you've inputed will always equal the output.

For example, in order to do a 500 joules of work, you need 500 joules of energy


The currency for performing work is called : Energy

And Energy's unit of measurement is : Joule

The amount of energy you've inputed will always equal the output.

For example, in order to do a 500 joules of work, you need 500 joules of energy


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as a result of which he gave
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Explain how an EVEN PARITY Circuit would be created and show the EVEN PARITY TRUTH table. Please do this in multisim




Creating an even parity circuit in Multisim involves designing a digital logic circuit that checks if the number of '1's in a binary input is even. If the input has an even number of '1's, the circuit should output '1' (indicating even parity); otherwise, it should output '0' (indicating odd parity).

Here's how to create an even parity circuit in Multisim, along with the truth table:

**Creating the Even Parity Circuit:**

1. Open Multisim and create a new blank schematic.

2. Add the following components to your schematic:

  - Input pins (for binary input bits)

  - XOR gates

  - An AND gate

  - An inverter (NOT gate)

  - Output display (LED or probe)

3. Connect the input pins to the XOR gates. Each input pin corresponds to one bit of the binary input.

4. Connect the outputs of the XOR gates to the inputs of the AND gate.

5. Connect the output of the AND gate to the input of the inverter (NOT gate).

6. Connect the output of the inverter to the output display.

7. Label your input pins for clarity (e.g., A0, A1, A2, ...).

**Designing the Even Parity Truth Table:**

To create the truth table for even parity, you'll need to list all possible input combinations (binary numbers) along with the corresponding output (even or odd).

Assuming you have a 3-bit input (A2, A1, A0), here's the truth table:

| A2 | A1 | A0 | Output (Even Parity) |


| 0  | 0  | 0  | 1 (Even)              |

| 0  | 0  | 1  | 0 (Odd)               |

| 0  | 1  | 0  | 0 (Odd)               |

| 0  | 1  | 1  | 1 (Even)              |

| 1  | 0  | 0  | 0 (Odd)               |

| 1  | 0  | 1  | 1 (Even)              |

| 1  | 1  | 0  | 1 (Even)              |

| 1  | 1  | 1  | 0 (Odd)               |

Each row in the truth table represents a unique combination of input bits (A2, A1, A0) and specifies whether the output is '1' (Even) or '0' (Odd).

Once you have created the circuit in Multisim and designed the truth table, you can simulate the circuit to verify its functionality. Ensure that the circuit produces the expected output (even parity) based on the input values.

A child on a spinning playground ride is 0.36 m from the center of the ride. The centripetal force on the child is 19 N. What is the mass of the child if the child has a tangential speed of 0.54 m/s?


Any motion in a curved path represents accelerated motion, and requires a force directed toward the center of curvature of the path. This force is called the centripetal force which means "center seeking" force. The force has the magnitude

F = mv^2 / r

Where f is the centripetal force

M is the mass

V is the velocity

R is the radius


19 N = m ( 0.54 m/s)^2 / 0.36 m

Solving for m

M = 23.5 kg


