Which African-American leader believed that blacks should demand full and immediate equality?


Answer 1
Answer: there were lots of them but one would be Martin Luther King Jr.

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D. To detain and kill Jews. Many were modified during the Second World War into what were then refereed to as "Death Camps", filled with gas chambers and ovens. The ovens were generally used for cremation of the masses of bodies executed using Zyklon B crystals of Cyanide in the chambers, but occasionally live people were tossed into the fires out of spite. Towards the end of the war the ovens were not used often as there was a severe fuel shortage. Instead, beams of wood were prepared before everyone's eyes for the thousands of people who would be burned at one time. There were segments of the camps designed specifically to serve as hospitals of experimentation where horrible experiments were performed on prisoners by individuals like Dr. Josef Mengele, Ilse Koch, and others. And it wasn't just Jewish people who were killed in the camps! Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, and many Catholics who opposed Hitler were also thrown behind the barbed wire fences (which usually carried a 10,000 volt current).




To detain and kill jews

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The Seven Years’ War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by France, Great Britain and Spain.

In the early 1750s, France’s expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought the country into armed conflict with the British colonies. In 1756, the British formally declared war against France.

READ MORE: How 22-Year-Old George Washington Inadvertently Sparked a World War

In the first year of the war, the British suffered a series of defeats at the hands of the French and their broad network of Native American alliances. However, in 1757, British Prime Minister William Pitt (the older) recognized the potential of imperial expansion that would come out of victory against the French and borrowed heavily to fund an expanded war effort. Pitt financed Prussia’s struggle against France and her allies in Europe and reimbursed the colonies for the raising of armies in North America. By 1760, the French had been expelled from Canada, and by 1763 all of France’s allies in Europe had either made a separate peace with Prussia or had been defeated. In addition, Spanish attempts to aid France in the Americas had failed, and France also suffered defeats against British forces in India.

The Seven Years’ War ended with the signing of the treaties of Hubertusburg and Paris in February 1763. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain, while Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and various French holdings overseas. The treaty ensured the colonial and maritime supremacy of Britain and strengthened the 13 American colonies by removing their European rivals to the north and the south. Fifteen years later, French bitterness over the loss of most of their colonial empire contributed to their intervention in the American Revolution on the side of the Patriots.

What does
the painting show about
Lafayette's relationship with



They were very close, and they both held leadership roles.

Final answer:

The painting's portrayal of Lafayette and Washington indicates a strong and respectful relationship between them, possibly even mirroring a mentor-mentee dynamic.


The painting's depiction of Lafayette and Washington suggests a strong bond and mutual respect between the two individuals. For example, if the figures are shown standing beside each other or if Lafayette is depicted looking at Washington with admiration, it strongly signifies a positive, respectful relationship. Furthermore, if Washington is shown in a position of authority or guidance while Lafayette displays a posture of learning or acceptance, the painting also suggests a mentor-mentee relationship between the two.

Learn more about Lafayette's relationship with Washington here:



Contrast primary and general elections. How are these two types of elections different?


The Primary Elections are only for those in certain party and to vote their respective candidates. The General Elections are elections which held for 3 weeks.

What is Primary Elections?

Primary Elections are those elections where voters can select their preference for their party candidates. For an upcoming General Election, local election or by- election.

What is General Elections?

In a General Election, where generally or most candidates of a given political party are chosen. These elections are usually held for a nation, state, or territory's primary legislative body, and are different from by- elections.

To learn more about Primary Elections and General Elections here





The primary election is only for those in a certain party to vote for their candidates. In many places that means only democrats or republicans can vote. In some places, independents can choose which parties primary they would like to participate in. General elections are the kind that we are about to face in about 3 weeks. This is the election that anyone registered to vote can participate in.

Which of the following men did Nixon defeat to win the presidency in 1968?a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Robert Kennedy
c. Hubert Humphrey
d. Barry Goldwater


The answer is letter c Hubert Humphreys.  Nixon made the decision to run for presidentagain in 1967. He believed he had a better chance due to the effect thatVietnam War had on the Democratic Party. Still he expected that it would be close election.  Factors that increased his chances of winningwere the announcement of President Lyndon Johnson of not seeking another termand the assassination of Robert Kennedy. He also appealed to conservative Americans who disliked thecounter-culture of the hippie movement. He won a three-way race between Humphreys and George Wallace for thePresidency and was sworn in on January 20, 1969.

Compare and contrast the settling of Jamestown to that of the colonies in


think about location first. Jamestown had more farming time cause it was farther south. also the soil was very different so the pilgrims needed the Indians help because they could not farm the same things the did back home. Massachusetts was also more religious. where Jamestown was military and economically based.